Lisp Index Page

Table of Contents

Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.

Greenspun's tenth rule

Code is written for others to understand the developers' thoughts, and it accidentally runs on computers.

– Matthias Felleisen, Types are like the Weather, Type Systems are like Weathermen (youtube video)

This is the lisp index page, containing general staff for lisp.

So why I like Scheme?

Why I like Lisp in general?

Research perspective:

There's a page for corresponding APIs of common lisp, racket, clojure, emacs lisp.

1 References

2 Introduction

2.1 Dialects

Richard P. Gabriel has a paper about Lisp-1 and Lisp-2. Basically Lisp-1 only have one universal namespace, while Lisp-2 has seperate namespace for functions and variables.

Scheme and clojure are lisp-1. Elisp and Common Lisp are Lisp-2.

2.2 Why Lisp?

As Peter Norvig put in Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming

  • adapt the language to your prolem
    • you can make DSL for your specific topic
    • support whatever programming style by just defining some macros
    • the basic and universal data structure: list
  • developing lisp is fast
    • dynamic, define function during running
    • REPL

There is a myth that Lisp is "special-purpose" languages, while languages like Pascal and C are "general purpose". Actually, just the reverse is true.

2.3 CASE

David J. Cooper in Basic Lisp Techniques:

Many developers once hoped that the software development process of the future would be more automated through Computer-aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools. Such tools claim to enable programmers and non-programmers to diagram their applications visually and automatically generate code. While useful to a certain extent, traditional CASE tools cannot cover domain-specific details and support all possible kinds of customizations — so developers inevitably need to hand-code the rest of their applications, breaking the link between the CASE model and the code. CASE systems fall short of being a true “problem solving tool.”

The recursive nature of CL, and its natural ability to build applications in layers and build upon itself — in essence, code which writes code which writes code…, makes CL a much better software engineering solution. CL programs can generate other CL programs (usually at compile-time), allowing the developer to define all parts of the application in one unified high-level language. Using macros and functions, naturally supported by the CL syntax, the system can convert applications written in the high-level language automatically into “final” code. Thus, CL is both a programming language and a powerful CASE tool, and there is no need to break the connection.

2.4 fold & unfold

In academic functional programming literature, folds are often called catamorphisms, unfolds are often called anamorphisms, and the combinations of the two are often called hylomorphisms. They're interesting because any for-each loop can be represented as a catamorphism. To convert from a loop to a foldl, package up all mutable variables in the loop into a data structure (records work well for this, but you can also use an algebraic data type or a list). The initial state becomes the accumulator; the loop body becomes a function with the loop variables as its first argument and the iteration variable as its second; and the list becomes, well, the list. The result of the fold function is the new state of all the mutable variables.

Similarly, every for-loop (without early exits) can be represented as a hylomorphism. The initialization, termination, and step conditions of a for-loop define an anamorphism that builds up a list of values for the iteration variable to take. Then, you can treat that as a for-each loop and use a catamorphism to break it down into whatever state you wish to modify.

2.5 Car & Cdr

The names CAR and CDR derive from the history of Lisp. The original Lisp implementation ran on an IBM 704 computer which divided words into two parts, called the “address” part and the “decrement”; CAR was an instruction to extract the contents of the address part of a register, and CDR an instruction to extract the contents of the decrement. By contrast, “cons cells” are named for the function ‘cons’ that creates them, which in turn was named for its purpose, the construction of cells.

2.6 The right thing vs. Worse is better 1

These are two software design philosophies. The key different is:

  • The right thing: interface should be simple
  • Worse is better: implementation should be simple

The worse-is-better philosophy means that implementation simplicity has highest priority, which means Unix and C are easy to port on such machines.

Unix and C are the ultimate computer viruses.

The code will be portable because it is written on top of a virus.

The good news is that in 1995 we will have a good operating system and programming language; the bad news is that they will be Unix and C++.

3 Basics

3.1 Continuation

Continuation is an abstract representation of the control state of a computer program. It can be used to implement exceptions, coroutines, loop break, return, yield, etc. It is the GOTO statement in functional programming.

The sandwich example by Luke Palmer (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/perl.perl6.language/-KFNPaLL2yE/_RzO8Fenz7AJ):

Say you're in the kitchen in front of the refrigerator, thinking about a sandwich. You take a continuation right there and stick it in your pocket. Then you get some turkey and bread out of the refrigerator and make yourself a sandwich, which is now sitting on the counter. You invoke the continuation in your pocket, and you find yourself standing in front of the refrigerator again, thinking about a sandwich. But fortunately, there's a sandwich on the counter, and all the materials used to make it are gone. So you eat it. :-).

A continuation doesn't save data. It's just a closure that closes over the execution stack (and any lexicals associated with it; thus the "I want a sandwitch" thought). If things change between the taking and invoking of the continuation, those things remain changed after invoking.


3.1.1 call/cc

Call with current continuation.

A very simple continuation example, to simulate the return statement:

  (call/cc (lambda (return)
    (display "One ")
    (return "Two ")
    (display "Three"))))
(+ 5 (call/cc (lambda (k)
                (k (* 2 3))))

Seems that in order to make continuation useful, we must assign the continuation to a global variable, hence first-class continuation:

(define reset #f)
(define counter #f)

((lambda ()
   (call/cc (lambda (cc) (set! reset cc)))
   (set! counter 1)))

;; 1
(set! counter (+ 1 counter))

;; 2
;; 1

Implementations of the sandwich example:

(define sandwich #f)
(define pocket #f)

(define (eat-sandwich)
  (let ((mouth '()))
    (call/cc (lambda (cc)
               (set! pocket cc)))
    (if sandwich
        (begin (set! mouth (cons sandwich mouth))
               (set! sandwich #f)
               (display "Ate the sandwich\n")
               (display mouth))
        (display "No sandwich\n"))))

;; make the sandwich
(set! sandwich (cons 'bread 'turkey))
(pocket) self-apply continuation example

There is a very interesting example in the scheme reference (by Dybvig?):

(let ([x (call/cc (lambda (k) k))])
  (x (lambda (ignore) "hi")))

What it does, is that, the k here is:

(lambda (_)
  (let ([x _])
   (x (lambda (ignore) "hi"))))

Thus the it assigns this k to x, and apply x on (lambda (ignore) "hi"). It will result in:

(lambda (_)
  (let ([x _])
    (x (lambda (ignore) "hi")))
  (lambda (ignore) "hi"))

(let ([x (lambda (ignore) "hi")])
  (x (lambda (ignore) "hi")))

((lambda (ignore) "hi")
 (lambda (ignore) "hi"))

This is the self application function, which returns "hi". So If we say:

(let ([x (call/cc (lambda (k) k))])
  (x (lambda (a) (+ a 2))))

It will basically means:

((lambda (a) (+ a 2))
 (lambda (a) (+ a 2)))

Which throws type errors.

If we gives it identify function, it will return the procedure:

(let ([x (call/cc (lambda (k) k))])
  (x (lambda (a) a)))

If we give it self application function, it will loop forever:

(let ([x (call/cc (lambda (k) k))])
  (x (lambda (a) (a a))))

As an exercise:

  (call/cc (lambda (k) k))
  (lambda (x) x))


(lambda (_)
   (lambda (x) x))


(((lambda (_)
      (lambda (x) x))
  (lambda (x) x))

(((((lambda (x) x)
    (lambda (x) x))
((((lambda (x) x)

Apparently this is wrong (HEBI: FIXME).

3.1.2 Continuation passing style

How to write the factorial code in tail call?

The non-tail call version:

(define (fact n)
   [(zero? n) 1]
   [else (* (fact (sub1 n)) n)]))

It can also be written in tail call, using accumulator-passing-style (aps):

(define (fact-aps n acc)
   [(zero? n) acc]
   [else (fact-aps (sub1 n) (* acc n))]))
(define (fact n)
  (fact-aps n 1))

One of the noticeable effect is that, when passing negative value as n, the first version will run out of stack, while the second won't.

Continuous passing style:

(define (fact-cps n k)
   [(zero? n) (k 1)]
   [else (fact-cps (sub1 n)
                   (lambda (v)
                     (k (* v n))))]))
(define (fact n)
  (fact-cps n (lambda (v) v)))

Notice that CPS although CPS doesn't use stack space, it uses heap to store the nested procedures, so you can observe a quick memory usage increase when it goes into infinite loop.

The initial continuation passed here is the empty continuation (lambda (v) v), but we can also pass something like (lambda (v) (* 3 v)).

Lastly, notice that all these code are checking zero? instead of negative, to intentionally turn on the probability of going infinite, thus observe stack and memory usage.

3.1.3 TODO Dynamic wind

3.2 Tail Call Optimization

First, use the trace library:

(require racket/trace)

Tail call:

(define (foo n)
  (when (> n 0)
    (foo (sub1 n))))
(trace foo)
(foo 5)

Non-tail call:

(define (bar n)
  (when (> n 0)
    (identity (bar (sub1 n)))))
(trace bar)
(bar 5)

The call stack of foo is flat, the call stack of bar is triangular.

4 Emacs IDE

4.1 Geiser

All REPL evaluation happens in a module, and the module of the REPL is typically different from that of a file.

In the REPL, the module name is shown in REPL right after @ sign. If you are not in the right module, you cannot access the bindings defined in it. You can switch the module by switch-to-geiser-module (C-c C-m), which is implemented as ,m, ,use, or ,enter, depending on the scheme implementation. You can also import the bindings of a module into the current namespace, using geiser-repl-import-module (C-c C-i).

In a file, the module is the current file. If you evaluate something, it will most likely output results in minibuffer, unless

  1. an error happens, where you are dropped in the REPL in debugger mode with the module of the file, so that you can access all the bindings there. Just remember to ,q when you are done.
  2. output images, which will be shown in the REPL, but no entry of debugger
  3. a warning happens. The warning will be in a separate buffer, and will not drop you in debugger.

Some of the useful commands:

  • C-c C-z: jump to repl, start if not started.
  • C-c C-d d: read document for symbol
  • C-c C-d i: read the manual (more comprehensive) for symbol
  • C-c C-d m: read the list of exported bindings in a module (enter)
  • C-x C-e: evaluate last sexp
  • C-x C-b: evaluate buffer
  • C-x C-r: evaluate region
  • C-M-x: eval top level
  • C-c \ runs the command geiser-insert-lambda, inserts a lambda. As a comparison, the racket-mode has racket-unicode-input-method-enable, implemented an input method for all latin letters.

5 Racket

5.1 Basic

5.1.1 evaluation model

To get the "ID" of an object, use eq-hash-code.

5.1.2 Local binding

The local binding is established by let family. Apart from normal let, racket has a second form, known as named let.

(let proc-id ([id init-expr] ...) body ...+)

It first evaluates the init-exprs, the resulting values become arguments to an application of a procedure.

(lambda (id ...) body ...+)

Within the body, proc-id is bound to the procedure itself.

  (let fac ([n 10])
    (if (zero? n) 1
        (* n (fac (sub1 n)))))

5.1.3 require

require introduces bindings. It can only be used in two context, the top-level context, or the module context (in which it introduce module bindings).

To require a installed module, use (lib "rel-string"), and its widely used shorthand (require id) where id is the unquoted string.

When requiring a local file, use plain relative (to current directory) path in a string. The path should NOT start or end with a slash. It seems that the suffix is optional.

To use a absolute path, you have to use (file string), and expand-user-path is called, so you can use:

  • relative path
  • tide home directory
  • absolute path

The #lang is a shorthand.

#lang racket
decl ...
;; equivalent to
(module name racket
  decl ...)

Where name is the file name.

5.2 Black Magic


    (define syntax->keyword (compose1

5.3 Pattern Matching (racket/match)

The syntax:

  (match val-expr clause ...)

  clause = [pat [#:when cond-expr] body ...+]

cond-expr is in teh scope of pat (to have the bind or not??).

The clauses are checked one-by-one, and the body of first match will be in the tail position.

Pattern can be

  • _ to match anything and abandon it.
  • a single id which matches anything and bind to it. An ID can appear more than once, in which case the pattern is considered matching only if all of the bindings of ID are same.
    • e.g. (list a b a) will not match '(1 2 3), but will match '(1 2 1)
  • a list which binds to the destruction.
  • The quote can not be used to construct list of symbols, it will match verbatically instead. For that, use quasiquote, which supports the evaluation and splice-eval.
    • e.g. `(1 ,a ,b) will match '(1 2 3) with a and b bound.
  • hash-table can be used to match the key and values, Using ... in it means collect into a list.
    • e.g. (hash-table ("key1" a) ("key2" b)).
    • e.g. (hash-table (key val) ...) will match #hash(("a" . 1) ("b" . 2)), and key will be '("b" "a")
  • cons can be used to match pairs
  • struct-id can be used to match fields by position. Use (struct struct-id _) to match an instance of structure itself. E.g.
    • for structure (struct tree (val left right))
    • pattern (tree a (tree b _ _) _) will match
    • (tree 0 (tree 1 #f #f) #f)
    • with a bound to 0, b bound to 1
  • (and pat ...) is used to combine a list of patterns. The typical usage is (and id pat) where you can bind id and still check the pat against the entire value. or is also available but not that useful.
  • (? expr pat ...): combine a predicate and the and pattern. I.e. first, apply expr on the value to match, if #t, the additional pat are matched using the above and pattern.

There are some syntax sugar for matching:

  • (match-lambda clause ...): equivalent to (lambda (id) (match id clause ...))

5.4 Macros

Matthias Felleisen boils down macros into three main categories:

  1. Binding form
  2. Change order of evaluation
  3. Make DSLs

Different from common lisp where you have compile time and runtime, racket has the concept called level. The level 0 is roughly runtime, and level 1 is compile time. But there're also level -1 and level 2, 3, …, thus it is more general. But typically the first two levels are used.

When using racket syntax, you typically need to require the base library for it, by (require (for-syntax racket/base)).

Everything boils down to define-syntax and syntax-case. define-syntax is nothing fancy. It just define a binding, same as define, but the binding is in effect at level 1. Thus actually we typically still define it as a lambda expression, thus it has the shorthand to write argument (stx) in the same line. syntax-rules itself is a lambda expression surounding syntax-case. Thus second form does not use syntax-rules, but use syntax-case directly.

  (define-syntax foo
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((_ a ...) (printf "~a\n" (list a ...)))))
  ;; <=>
  (define-syntax (foo stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      (_ a ...)
      #'(printf "~a\n" (list a ...))))

syntax-case match a given syntax object against patterns, and return another syntax object. It is doing the transformation. You can actually do the transformation yourself, using sytax->datum, operates on it, and use datum->syntax to convert it back. So syntax-case just provides an easier way to do that, in the sense that you don't need to convert explicitly. Instead, you specify by position the argument, to match the datum, and construct a syntax object as a result.

  (syntax-case stx-expr (literal-id ...)
    [pattern result-expr] ...)

Note the result is result-expr, that means the expr is going to be executed, and the return value should be a syntax object.

  (define-syntax (foo stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_ a b c)
       #'(if a b c)]))

See, stx is matched against the pattern (_ a b c), and destructed. a b c can then be used to construct the returned syntax object. Note, the return must be a syntax object, it replaces the (foo xxx) and be evaluated. The first is _ because we don't care about the leading identifier #'foo.

syntax-rules is a lambda expression, that calls syntax-case to return a syntax object. It is used to define multiple patterns and templates at one time. Note that the result is a "template" instead of "expr", meaning it is restricted: cannot run any code, merely return the template as if quoted. Thus when using syntax-rules, the result need not be quoted by syntax.

  (syntax-rules (literal-id ...)
    [(id . pattern) template] ...)
  ;; <=>
  (lambda (stx)
    (syntax-case stx (literal-id ...)
      [(generated-id . pattern) (syntax-protect #'template)] ...))

define-syntax-rule is shorthand for define-syntax and syntax-rules. The pattern is a list, the first is an identifier, the following are pattern variables that matches anything. The template is the constructed form to replace the old form. It is not quoted, because it uses syntax-rules to construct. All pattern variables will be replaced by the actual form.

  (define-syntax-rule (id . pattern) template)
  ;; <=>
  (define-syntax id
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(id . pattern) template]))

This is so constrained. The following is equivalent to the above:

  (define-syntax-rule (foo a b c)
    (if a b c))

with-syntax is often used to nest syntax. It is like let but is able to bind pattern variables.

(syntax-case <syntax> () [<pattern> <body>] ...)
(syntax-case (list stx-expr ...) () [(pattern ...) (let () body ...+)])
;; <=>
(with-syntax ([<pattern> <stx-expr>] ...) <body> ...+)

5.4.1 Reader

To understand how macro works, we need to know how the reader handles the program.

A datum is the basic output of a read. Datum can be compound, in which case the reader is recursively read the components. Some datums are interned by the reader, i.e. their values are always eq? when they are equal?. Such datums includes: symbols, keywords, strings, byte strings, regexps, characters, numbers.

Some special read notation:

  • #(1 2 3) for vectors
  • #s(struct-id 1 2 3) for prefab structure types. note that for complex structure, the print format is not intuitive.
  • #hash(("a" . 5) ("b" b)) for hash tables

5.4.2 Syntax Model

A syntax object is a simple racket value + scope set + phase level.

When require something, those functions are not visible in level 1. Thus if you want to use those when macro expands, you need (reqire (for-syntax racket/base)). Similarly, for-meta can be used to specify any number as shift level.

Similaryly, a top-level begin is not visible in macro, we need begin-for-syntax to bind variables to use at level 1.

Use these to expand a macro:

  • (expand top-level-form): fully expand
  • (expand-once top-level-form): expand only once

Here's an example from Racket Guide that implements call-by-reference

Should generate

(define (do-f get-a get-b put-a! put-b!)
  (define-get/put-id a get-a put-a!)
  (define-get/put-id b get-b put-b!)
  (swap a b))
(do-f (lambda () x)
      (lambda () y)
      (lambda (v) (set! x v))
      (lambda (v) (set! y v)))

The test code:

  (define-cbr (f a b)
    (swap a b))

  (let ([x 1] [y 2])
    (f x y)
    (list x y))

The actual implementation:

  (define-syntax-rule (define-get/put-id id get put!)
    (define-syntax id
       (lambda (stx)
         (syntax-case stx (set!)
           [id (identifier? (syntax id)) (syntax (get))]
           [(set! id e) (syntax (put! e))])))))

  (define-syntax-rule (define-cbr (id arg ...) body)
      (define-syntax id
        (syntax-rules ()
          [(id actual (... ...))
           (do-f (lambda () actual)
                 (... ...)
                 (lambda (v)
                   (set! actual v))
                 (... ...))]))
      (define-for-cbr do-f (arg ...)
        () ; explained below...

  (define-syntax define-for-cbr
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(define-for-cbr do-f (id0 id ...)
         (gens ...) body)
       (define-for-cbr do-f (id ...)
         (gens ... (id0 get put)) body)]
      [(define-for-cbr do-f ()
         ((id get put) ...) body)
       (define (do-f get ... put ...)
         (define-get/put-id id get put) ...

The define-for-cbr is pretty tricky, the following with-syntax is better:

  (define-syntax (define-for-cbr stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      [(_ do-f (id ...) body)
       (with-syntax ([(get ...) (generate-temporaries #'(id ...))]
                     [(put ...) (generate-temporaries #'(id ...))])
         #'(define (do-f get ... put ...)
             (define-get/put-id id get put) ...

5.4.3 Hygienic

A very good video by Matthew Flatt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or_yKiI3Ha4, code: https://github.com/mflatt/expander

A very good writing about syntax-case, and how to (NOT) write non-hygienic macros. http://blog.racket-lang.org/2011/04/writing-syntax-case-macros.html

  • a syntax object is a plain datum with some lexical context information
  • syntax->datum accepts one syntax object, and return the raw list
  • datum->syntax accepts one context syntax object to donor its context, and a plain datum to be converted.
  • scheme macro is hygienic, i.e.
    1. if it inserts a binding, it will be renamed through its lexical scope
    2. if it refers a free variable, it refers to the one in scope in which the definition of the macro happens.

Thus, to break the hygienic

(define-syntax (while stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ test body ...)
     (syntax-case (datum->syntax stx 'it) ()
       [it #'(let loop ()
               (let ([it test])
                 (when it
                   body ...

or using with-syntax to bind pattern variable:

(define-syntax (while stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ test body ...)
     (with-syntax ([it (datum->syntax stx 'it)])
       #'(let loop ()
           (let ([it test])
             (when it
               body ...

This is primarily used to introduce a binding that is visible to the outside world. It seems that syntax parameters can do that better.

5.5 Rackunit

Since racket has the test module concept, there needs no unit test framework. However, it seems that rackunit provides some predicate functions.

In racket, each file is a module with the file name as the module name. You can define a submodule using module* and module+. The former can only appear exactly once for each module, while the latter can appear multiple times, all of them concatenated into a single module as if using module*.

Thus, folks typically use module* to define a main module, which will be run by racket after the enclosing module by racket. module+ is used to define test modules, and will be executed by raco test command.

rackunit provides check APIs and also organize tests into cases and suites. A check is a simple check, like equality. A test case is a group of checks. If one of them fails, the following will not be executed, and the test case fails. A suite is a group of test cases, and has a name.

Check APIs (all of them accepts an optional message at the end):

  • check-eq?
  • check-not-eq?
  • check-equal?
  • check-not-equal?
  • check-pred pred v: check if apply pred on v will produce other than #f
  • check-= v1 v2 epsilon: |v1-v2| <= epsilon
  • check-true v: #t
  • check-false v: #f
  • check-not-flase v: not #f
  • check op v1 v2: generic form, op is (-> any any any)
  • fail: fail unconditionally, useful when developing to mark some tests

The following does not accept message, because they are straightforward:

  • check-match v pattern: check if v match pattern

test-begin expr ... is used to group exprs, while test-case name body ...+ accept a name for them, and get reported if test fails.

Test suites are not going to run by default. This allows you to specify which tests to run. There're text (run-tests in rackunit/text-ui) and gui (test/gui in rackunit/gui) interfaces to select tests. Create a suite using (test-suite name-expr test ...). The tests can be single check or a test case.

5.6 Numbers

  • /: provide the fraction if given two numbers, not to round it.
  • quotient n m: (truncate (/ n m))
  • remainder n m: seems that the result has the same sign with n
  • modulo n m: seems that the result has the same sign with m
  • add1
  • sub1
  • abs
  • max
  • min
  • gcd
  • lcm: least common multiple
  • round
  • floor
  • ceiling
  • truncate: towards 0
  • numerator
  • denominator


  • sqrt
  • expt e p: e to the power of p
  • exp z
  • log z [b (exp 1)]


  • random k: [0,k)
  • random min max: [min,max)
  • random-seed k

With racket/random:

  • random-sample seq n

5.7 Procedure

The define keyword can be used to bind a id to a variable, but most likely you are binding a procedure. So the syntax for arguments matters.

  (define (head args) body ...+)
  args = arg ... | arg ... . rest-id
  arg = arg-id
      | [arg-id default-expr]
      | keyword arg-id
      | keyword [arg-id default-expr]

Note how the rest-id are used to implement the ... by using one dot.

The context matters. In an internal-definition context, a define binds a local binding. At top level, it introduces top-level binding.

In application of procedures, apply will apply the procedure with content of the list as argument, thus the procedure must accept as many parameters as the length of list. The list is actually more flexible, i.e. collected using list*.

compose accepts one or more procedures, and composes them by applying one by one, and fold result into parameter to the next. The last procedure is applied first. There're two versions, compose allow arbitrary number of values to be passed between procedure calls, as long as the number of results and parameters match. compose1 restricts this to exactly one value.

5.8 Control Structure

  • if
  • (cond [test-expr then-body ...+] ...)
  (cond cond-clause ...)
  cond-clause = [test-expr then-body ...+]
              | [else then-body ...+]
              | [test-expr => proc-expr]
              | [test-expr]
  • and: A typically trick: (and (some expr) #t) to return a boolean value
    • if no expr, return #t
    • one expr, return its value in tail position.
    • Multiple exprs
      • if first eval to #f, return #f
      • otherwise recursive call with the rest of exprs in tail position.
  • test-expr => proc-expr: proc-expr must produce a procedure that accept exactly one argument, the result of test-expr is that argument. The value is returned.
  • test-expr without a body will return the result of test-expr. Not in tail position.
  • (case val-expr [(datum ...) then-body ...+] ...): if val-expr matches one of datum, execute the body
  • when
  • unless
  • (for ([id seq-expr] #:when guard-expr #:unless guard-expr) body)
  • for/list, for/vector, for/hash
  • for/and, for/or
  • for/sum, for/product
  • for/first, for/last
  • for/fold
  • for*: like for, but with implicit #:when #t between each pair. Thus all clauses are nested. for* also has the form of different return values.

5.9 String

The reading syntax of characters starts with #\, with following forms

ASCII name desc
0 #\null  
8 #\backspace  
9 #\tab \t
10 #\newline #\linefeed linefeed (\n), move cursor to next line
11 #\vtab  
12 #\page page break
13 #\return carriage return (\r), move cursor to begin
32 #\space  
127 #\rubout  
  #\<digit8>{3} Unicode for octal number
  #\<digit16>{1,4} Unicode for Hex
  #\<c> the single character

As a side note, windows use \r\n, Unix use \n, Mac OS use \r


  • make-string k [char]
  • string-length
  • string-ref
  • substring str start [end]
  • string-copy
  • string-append
  • string->list
  • list->string
  • string=?, string<?, ..
  • string-ci=?, …
  • string-upcase, string-downcase, string-titlecase, string-foldcase (normalize for different locale)

With racket/string:

  • string-join
  • string-replace
  • string-split
  • string-trim
  • string-contains? s contained
  • string-prefix? s prefix
  • string-suffix? s suffix

With racket/format:

  • ~a: accept a value, using display. It accepts several keyword arguments:
    • #:separator "": the function actually accepts multiple values, each of them is connected with separator
    • #:width
    • #:max-width
    • #:min-width
    • #:limit-marker "": if the string is longer than the width, use this as indication of "more".
    • #:align: (or/c 'left 'center 'right) = 'left
    • #:pad-string " ": when width is less than the specified width, this is used to pad
  • ~v: use print instead of display. Default separator is " ", default limit-marker is "…"
  • ~s: use write. Default separator is " ", default limit-marker is "…"

Byte string

  • make-bytes k [b]
  • bytes-length
  • bytes-ref
  • subbytes bstr start [end]
  • bytes-copy
  • bytes-append
  • bytes->list
  • list->bytes
  • bytes=?, …
  • bytes->string/utf-8
  • bytes->string/locale
  • bytes->string/latin-1
  • string->bytes/utf-8
  • string->bytes/locale
  • string->bytes/latin-1

5.10 Regular Expression

  • #rx"xxx": regular expression
  • #px"xxx": perl regular expression


  • regexp-quote: generate a regular expression string that match the string literally
  • regexp-match pattern input [start-pos end-pos]: find the pattern in the input. and return a list containing the result (only one). If no match, return #f. If has capture group, return the match and all captured group.
  • regexp-match*: match multiple times, return list of results. #:match-select accepts a procedure (defaults to car). Examples: values (all), cadr
  • regexp-match-position: like regexp-match, but return list of number pairs, each is a range of [start, end).
  • regexp-match?: return #t or #f
  • regexp-match-exact?: return #t only if entire content matches.
  • regexp-split pattern input: complement of regexp-match*
  • regexp-replace pattern input insert: replace the first match. Match can be referenced by using & (whole match), \0 (whole match), \n captured.
  • regexp-replace*: replace all
  • regexp-replaces input ([pat rep] ...): do regexp-replace* for each replacement in order, chained. Which means latter can operate on former.
  • regexp-replace-quote: produce string suitable to use as replacement (unquoting \ and &)

Input port specific:

  • regexp-try-match: like regexp-match, but if the input is a port, don't read the input on failure.
  • regexp-match-peek: do not read input ports on both failure and success
  • regexp-match-peek-positions: return positions
  • regexp-match-peek-immediate: non-blocking on input port
(regexp-match #rx"x(.)" "12x4x6")
;; '("x4" "4")
(regexp-match* #rx"x(.)" "12x4x6" #:match-select var) ; default
;; '("x4" "x6")
(regexp-match* #rx"x(.)" "12x4x6" #:match-select values) ; all
;; '(("x4" "4") ("x6" "6"))
(regexp-match* #rx"x(.)" "12x4x6" #:match-select cadr)
;; '("4" "6")

5.11 Pair, List, Vector

The variants tradition:

  • v: use eqv?
  • q: use eq?
  • f: accept and use a procedure

The APIs:

  • length
  • list-ref
  • list-tail
  • append
  • reverse
  • map, andmap, ormap
  • for-each
  • foldl, foldr
  • filter pred lst: return list with items that makes pred #t.
  • remove
  • sort
  • member, memf (using function): if found, return the tail list starting from the match
  • findf: like memf, but return just the matched element.
  • assoc v lst: the first element of lst whose car equal to v. E.g. (assoc 1 '((1 2) (3 4))) returns '(1 2). variants: assv, assq, assf

from racket/list

  • empty?
  • first
  • rest
  • second
  • last
  • list-update lst pos updater: the pos index is updated with (updater (list-ref lst pos))
  • list-set lst pos value
  • index-of lst v: return the index of the first v
  • index-where lst proc: use function
  • indexes-of, indexes-where: return all matches
  • take lst pos: take only the first pos elements
  • drop lst pos: same as list-tail
  • split-at lst pos: same as (values (take lst pos) (drop lst pos))
  • takef, dropf, splitf-at: take all the elements satisfying the function.
  • take-right, drop-right, split-at-right, and their f-version
  • list-prefix? l r: whether l is prefix of r
  • take-common-prefix l r
  • drop-common-prefix l r
  • split-common-prefix l r
  • flatten v
  • check-duplicates lst
  • remove-duplicates lst
  • partition prod lst: return two lists, with items that prod evaluates to #t and #f respectively. It is the same as
  (values (filter pred lst)
          (filter (negate pred) lst))
  • range end: [0,end)
  • range start end [step=1]
  • shuffle lst
  • combinations lst [size]: if size is given, return only combination of length size.
  • permutations lst
  • argmin proc lst: return the first elemnt in lst that minimize (proc elem)
  • argmax


  • vector-length
  • vector-ref
  • vector-set!: it makes sense to set a vector, because it takes constant time to access and update
  • vector->list
  • list->vector
  • vector-fill! vec v
  • vector-copy! dst dst-start src [src-start] [src-end]

A box is like a single-element vector, typically used as minimal mutable storage.

  • box: create a box
  • box?
  • unbox: return the content
  • set-box! box v: return #<void>
  • box-cas! box old new: atomically update content from old to new, return #t. If does not contain old, nothing changed, and return #f.

From racket/vector:

  • vector-map
  • vector-append
  • vector-take, vector-drop
  • vector-take-right, vector-drop-right
  • vector-split-at, vector-split-at-right
  • vector-copy
  • vector-filter
  • vector-filter-not
  • vector-count proc vec
  • vector-argmin, vector-argmax
  • vector-member
  • vector-sort
  • vector-sort!

5.12 Hash Tables

  • (hash key val ... ...)
  • hash-set hash key v
  • hash-ref hash key
  • hash-has-key?
  • hash-update
  • hash-remove
  • hash-clear
  • hash-keys
  • hash-values
  • hash->list
  • hash-keys-subset? hash1 hash2: hash1 is a subset of hash2?
  • hash-count hash
  • hash-empty?
  • hash-union: require racket/hash

5.13 Sequence

Sequence is designed to be used with for. Not only list and vectors are sequence, hash table is also sequence. Dictionary and set are also sequences. List can also be dictionary type.

  • sequence?

Constructing sequences

  • in-range
  • in-naturals
  • in-list
  • in-vector
  • in-string
  • in-lines [in=(current-input-port)]
  • in-hash
  • in-hash-keys, in-hash-values, in-hash-pairs
  • in-directory [dir use-dir?]: It is depth first. The path are built, not individual components. If dir is not given, use current dir. If use-dir? with signature (path? . -> any/c) is given, it acts like as a filter of the results

5.14 Hash set (use racket/set)

  • set v ...: construct a hash set
  • list->set lst: construct from list
  • for/set
  • set-member?
  • set-add
  • set-remove
  • set-empty?
  • set-count
  • set-first
  • set-rest
  • set-copy
  • set-clear
  • set-union
  • set-intersect
  • set-subtract
  • set=?
  • subset? st1 st2: st1 is subset of st2?
  • proper-subset? st1 st2: strict subset
  • set->list
  • in-set

5.15 structure

struct id maybe-super (field ...) struct-option ...
field = field-id | [field-id field-option ...]

The struct form creates a structure type (unless #:prefab is specified), and some names (along with others). Now we use myid as the provided id:

  • struct:myid: the structure type descriptor, can be used in #:super option
  • myid: constructor, unless #:constructor-name option is specified
  • myid?: predicate procedure
  • myid-myfield: accessor procedure for each field

5.15.1 Field options

There are two available field options:

  • #:auto: automatic fields: the constructor does not accept argument for that field, the auto value by #:auto-value (defaults to #f) is used.
  • #:mutable: set-myid-myfield!: destructively update field. A mutable field is defined in one of two ways: defined for the fields with #:mutable option, or struct option #:mutable for all fields. Specify both results in syntax error.

5.15.2 Subtyping

You can specify super class in one of two ways: maybe-super or via #:super option. Specify both results in syntax error. Subtype will inherit fields, when initialize, initialize those parent fields first.

5.15.3 Structure options

  • #:mutable: same as set #:mutable for all fields
  • #:super: same as set maybe-super
  • #:prefab: means previously fabricated. Also known as predefined, globally shared. Such structure types are globally shared, and they can be print and read back. If it has a super class, obviously it must also be prefab. It is inherently transparent, and cannot have a guard or property. I.e. it cannot be used together with #:transparent, #:inspector, #:guard, #:property.
  • #:auto-value: supply one value for all #:auto fields
  • #:transparent: shorthand for #:inspector #f. All structures are by default opaque, thus the print out format does not show any information. If the structure is transparent, the print information can see the data. The equal? will also works by recursively compare all fields, while for opaque structures, this require to define generic method for equal?. However, the prints cannot be read back, to do which the prefab is required.
  • #:inspector specify an inspector. This is intended for use by debuggers. It is related to reflection, i.e. providing access to structure fields and structure type information.
  • #:guard specify a guard procedure, or just #f to turn it off. This is used to filter the arguments to constructor. It accepts n+1 arguments: the n constructor arguments, plus the name of the structure, and return n arguments that is actually used for construction. It is called "guard" in the sense that it can raise exceptions.
  • #:property: this can be specified multiple times for multiple properties. A property is associated with the type, not the instance. Subtype will inherit property, and can override it. The usage is TODO, and how to retrieve is also TODO.
  • #:methods: TODO


  • #:authentic
  • #:name
  • #:extra-name
  • #:constructor-name
  • #:extra-constructor-name
  • #:reflection-name
  • #:omit-define-syntaxes
  • #:omit-define-values

5.15.4 Generic Interface

require racket/generic.

First define the interface.

(define-generics printable
  (gen-print printable port)
  (gen-port-print port printable)
  (gen-print* printable [port] #:width width #:height height))

We are defining a generic id called printable. The gen:printable will be the transformer binding used when defining the structure. The followings are the methods that are supposed to be defined. Note: there must be a printable literally in each of these methods. It does not matter which position, but this particular position should be kept as the variable in your actual definition. The arguments are nothing new, including optional variable, default values, as well as keyword arguments.

Define the structure. To declare that this structure satisfies a generic interface, specify it in #:methods. It accepts two values: gen:name, and method-defs. You can supply multiple #:methods of course. Each of the def is a define of the function, very normal. Note that the variable that corresponds to the printable, by position, is the data object. Since there cannot be duplicate arguments, you cannot use this twice (this of course is not likely what you want).

There's a define/generic that has a fixed form of two arguments, local-id and method-id. The latter can only be one of these generic method. It is the form used to create a binding. Using just define cannot create this, because gen-print will not be in scope. And define/generic can only be used here. And interestingly inside a generic function, the gen-print is in scope, and can be bound by a let expression (why??).

(struct num (v)
  #:methods gen:printable
  [(define/generic alias gen-print)
   (define/generic alias2 gen-print*)
   ;; (define alias3 gen-print)
   (define (gen-print n port)
     (fprintf port "Num: ~a" (num-v n)))
   (define (gen-port-print port n)
     (let ([alias2 gen-print]) 
       (gen-print n port)
       (alias n port)
       ;; (alias2 n)
       ;; (alias3 n port)

Use like this:

(gen-port-print (current-output-port) (num 8) )

5.16 Multiple Values

values produce multiple values value, to consume that, typically use let-values, let*-values, define-values. Also, binding forms that can destruct values can also be used.

5.17 Exception

For now, I only care about how to handle exceptions. To do that:

  • call-with-exception-handler f thunk: (f ex)
  • with-handlers ([pred-expr handler-expr] …) body …+
  (with-handlers ([exn:fail:syntax?
                   (λ (e) (displayln "got a syntax error"))]
                   (λ (e) (displayln "fallback clause"))])
    (raise-syntax-error #f "a syntax error"))

Here's the hierarchy of built-in exceptions

  • exn
    • exn:fail
      • exn:fail:contract
      • exn:fail:syntax
      • exn:fail:read
      • exn:fail:filesystem
      • exn:fail:network
      • exn:fail:out-of-memory
      • exn:fail:unsupported
      • exn:fail:user
    • exn:break

To raise an exception, you can use:

  • raise: too general, don't use for now
  • error: raise exn:fail
  • raise-user-error
  • raise-syntax-error

5.18 Concurrency


  • Thread: all the threads are running parallel, but they run on the same processor.
  • Future: can utilize multiple processors


  • thread thunk: create a thread to run, and return immediately with thread descriptor. When thunk terminates, the thread terminates. Threads are managed in current custodian.
  • thread?
  • current-thread
  • thread-suspend
  • thread-resume
  • kill-thread
  • break-thread
  • sleep [secs=0]: cause the current thread to sleep. 0 simply hint other threads to execute (useful??).
  • thread-running?
  • thread-dead?
  • thread-wait thd: block until thd terminates
  • thread-send thd v
  • thread-receive: block until a v is ready
  • thread-try-receive: non-block version

Parameters are procedures, which optionally accepts one argument. If no argument, get the value. Given the arguement, set the value. This is like a global variable, thus suitable for a command line option storage. The parameters are local to thread, and sub thread inherit parent ones, but not shared. This means setting the parameter will not affect the parameter in other thead (including parent thread).

To make a parameter, simply:

(define aaa (make-parameter #f))
(aaa) ; => #f
(aaa 3)
(aaa) ; => 3

Parameters are often used by parameterize it in some content, instead of set directly.

(parameterize ([param value-expr] ...)
  body ...+)

Future (racket/future)

  • future thunk: return the future. It will not run, until touch it.
  • touch f: blockingly run the future f, and return the result. After touch returns, the results are still hold in the future. You can touch it again and retrieve the same result. Then, how to run in parallel? Create a thread to touch it??
  • current-future
  • future-enabled?
  • future?
  • processor-count
  • for/async (for-clause ...) body ...+

Places can also use multiple cores. Place enables greater parallelism than future, because it creates a new racket VM, and include separate garbage collection. Thus the setup and communication cost is higher. Places can only communicate through place channels.

5.19 IO

5.19.1 ports General operation
  • eof: global variable
  • eof-object?
  • close-input-port, close-output-port
  • current-input-port, current-output-port, current-error-port: can be used to get/set the current
  • flush-output out: Input or output ports are both block-buffered by default. Terminal output port is line-buffered. This function cause the port to be flushed immediately File IO
  • open-input-file path [#:mode flag]: return an input port. mode can be 'binary or 'text
  • open-output-file path [#:mode flag #:exists flag]: exist flag includes
    • error
    • append
    • replace: remove old file, create a new one
  • open-input-output-file path [#:mode flag #:exists flag]
  • call-with-input-file path proc: proc is (input-port? . -> . any). When proc returns, the port is closed.
  • call-with-output-file path proc
  • with-input-from-file path thunk: set current-input-port to file. As it is similar to call-with-input-file, the port is closed when thunk returns.
  • with-output-to-file path thunk String IO
  • open-input-string str: create a string port using str
  • open-output-string: create a output string port
  • get-output-string out: read from a output string port. This should be used with the above method, specifically the out should be (and/c output-port? string-port?). Extra

Requires racket/port. This is actually the most commonly used helpers. All of these have bytes counterparts.

  • port->string
  • port->lines
  • display-lines
  • call-with-output-string proc: proc: (output-port? . -> . any)
  • with-output-to-string proc: proc is (-> any)
  • call-with-input-string str proc: proc: (input-port? . -> . any)
  • with-input-from-string str proc: proc is (-> any)

5.19.2 Reading

  • read-char
  • read-byte
  • read-line
  • read-bytes-line
  • read: read a datum from an input port
  • read-syntax: like read, but produce a syntax object, with source-location information

5.19.3 Writing

  • write-char
  • write-byte
  • newline
  • write-string
  • write-bytes
  • write: write a datum so that it can be read back
  • display: write string without the quotes
  • print: this is pretty weird. The existence rationale is that, display and write both have specific output convention. But print has no pre-assumed convention, and the environment is free to modify its behavior.
  • writeln, displayln, println
  • fprintf out form v ...
    • out is an output port
    • form is a format string.
      • ~n: new line
      • ~a: display
      • ~s: write
      • ~v: print
  • printf form v ...: equivalent to fprintf (current-output-port) form v ...
  • eprintf form v ...: print to (current-error-port)
  • format form v ...: return the string

with racket/pretty

  • pretty-print
  • pretty-write
  • pretty-display
  • pretty-format

5.20 OS

  • (getenv name)
  • (putenv name value)

In racket/os

  • gethostname
  • getpid

5.20.1 Path

  • string->path
  • path->string
  • build-path base sub ...
  • absolute-path?, relative-path?
  • path->directory-path: from x/y to x/y/
  • resolve-path: follow soft link. Note that itself does not expand user path.
  • cleanse-path: most racket functions clean the path before use, unless it does not access filesystem (i.e. onlyl do a form checking). cleanse-path, expand-user-path, simplify-path are exceptions in the sense that they does not access filesystem, but will do cleanse. But what exactly cleanse does?
  • expand-user-path: a leading ~ is replaced by the user home directory.
  • simplify-path: nomalize as much as possible. I.e. remove
    • redundant path separators (except single trailing separator)
    • .., .
  • split-path: remove the last component (without consideration of trailing /, as we will see in the 3rd return value), and return 3 values (e.g. "aa/bb/cc/"):
    • base: aa/bb/
    • name: cc
    • must-be-dir?: #t
  • explode-path: split path extensively, the first one is root
  • path-replace-extension path ext: extension starts from the last dot. ext should lead by a dot. If no dot in the path, simply add it.
  • path-add-extension path ext [sep #"_"]: add the extension. If there's a dot in the path, the last dot will be replaced by sep.

From racket/path

  • file-name-from-path
  • path-get-extension
  • path-has-extension?
  • file-relative-path base path: how to do from base TO path
    • (find-relative-path "a/b" "a/b/c/d") returns c/d
  • normalize-path path: complete, expand (NOT expand-user-path, .. but what??), resolve soft links
  • simple-form-path: complete, then simplify. This is said to be used more often than normalize-path.

5.20.2 File System

  • find-system-path kind, where kind is
    • 'home-dir
    • 'temp-dir
  • find-executable-path program
  • file-exists?
  • link-exists?
  • delete-file
  • rename-file-or-directory old new
  • file-size: in bytes
  • copy-file src dest
  • make-file-or-directory-link to path: create path, link to to (soft or hard??)
  • current-directory get or set, this is a parameter
  • directory-exists?
  • make-directory
  • delete-directory
  • directory-list [path #:build build?]: list of all files or directories in path. path defaults to current directory, while build? defaults to #f. If #:build is #t, each of the results are built with prefix path. Note that this is not recursive, for that, use the sequence generator in-directory.

From racket/file:

  • file->string: this READs the file content to a string
  • file->value: READs a single S-expression using read. Seems that the file can contain more
  • file->list path [proc = read]: reads the file content with proc until EOF
  • file->lines: read into lines, without line separators
  • display-to-file v path: display v to path
  • write-to-file v path: write v to path
  • display-lines-to-file lst path [#:separator sep]: as name suggests, add line seperators
  • copy-directory/files src dest
  • delete-directory/files
  • find-files predicate [start-path]: start-path defaults ot current. Use predicate to filter what should be returned. Seems that this is recursive.
  • make-directory*: seems to be mkdir -p
  • make-parent-directory*: this is very convenient in making a necessary directory to write a file
  • make-temporary-file [template copy-from-filename directory]: create it, and return path.
    • template: "rkttmp~a"
    • copy-from-filename
      • a path: the created one is a copy of the path
      • #f: which is also default, create an empty file
      • 'directory: create a directory(!!!) instead
    • directory: #f, means use default temporary path (/var/tmp)

5.20.3 Networking

I'm not going to dig deep on this because I don't use it. Just listing available functions. Needs require

TCP (racket/tcp)

  • tcp-listen port-no: return tcp-listener?
  • tcp-connect hostname port-no: return input-port? output-port?
  • tcp-accept listener: return input-port? output-port?
  • tcp-close listener

UDP (racket/udp)

  • udp-open-socket
  • udp-bind! udp-socket hostname-string port-no
  • udp-connect! udp-socket hostname-string port-no
  • udp-send-to udp-socket hostname port-no bstr
  • udp-send udp-socket bstr
  • udp-receive! udp-socket bstr
  • udp-send-to*, udp-send*, udp-receive!*: non-block
  • udp-close udp-socket

5.20.4 Processes

  • subprocess stdout stdin stderr cmd arg ...
    • the command runs ASYNC, it seems that it will run immediately
    • If provided a port, it will use that. Otherwise (provide #f), it will create one, and get returned. The return value is exactly the same: subprocess? port? port? port? path-string? string?. #f means no, no matter as parameter or return value.
    • stderr can be 'stdout, in which case the corresponding return value will be #f
    • All ports returned must be closed manually
    • since the ports have capacity, it is possible to have deadlock
  • subprocess-wait: block until subprocess terminate
  • subprocess-status: returns either 'running or the exit code
  • subprocess-kill
  • subprocess-pid

In racket/system:

  • system cmd: execute cmd through shell command SYNChronously. Return #t for success, #f for fail
  • system* cmd arg ...: differ in:
    • execute directly instead of through shell command
    • obviously arguments are provided as arguments instead of in string
  • system/exit-code cmd: same as system, but the return is exit code
  • system*/exit-code cmd arg ...
  • process cmd: run ASYNC, through a shell, return (input port, output port, PID, stderr, proc). All ports must be closed manually. The procedure proc can accept one argument, and is used to interact with the process. The argument can be:
    • 'status: return one of 'running, 'done-ok, 'done-error
    • 'exit-code
    • 'wait: block until terminate
    • 'interrupt: send SIGINT
    • 'kill
  • process* cmd arg ...: like the difference of system* with system
  • process/ports out in error-out cmd: You can provide the ports (the return will be #f), or provide #f (the ports are created and returned).
  • process*/ports out in error-out cmd arg ...

5.20.5 CMD parsing (racket/cmdline)

The command-line macro actually parse the command line. The current-command-line-arguments is actually a parameter that returns a vector of strings. It is the cmd args that used to run the racket program. Thus command-line consumes this value. But since it is a parameter, you can access it as many times as you want.

All the arguments are actually keyword arguments, but they must appear in order, according to the grammar.

(command-line [name-expr] [argv-expr] flag-clause ... finish-clause)

The flag clauses can be:

  • #:multi: flags can appear multiple times
  • #:once-each: each flag can appear one time
  • #:once-any: one of the flag can appear
  • #:final: this is like #:multi, but no argument is treated as flag any more after it (means they are all left over)

Each of them will be followed by some flag-sepcs:

flag-spec ::= (flags id ... help-spec body ...+)
flags ::= flag-string | (flag-string ...+)
help-spec ::= string | (string-expr ...+)

Flags are equivalent, usually to supply -x and --longer-x. If help-spec is a list of strings, they are printed in separate lines.

The flag-clause can also be some general printing service, followed by strings to print

  • #:usage-help: this is going to be printed right after the usage of the command
  • #:ps: insert at the end of the help

Finish clause just use #:args arg-formals body ...+. It is intended to handle left over arguments. arg-formals can be just a single ID, in which case it will be a list of left over arguments. It can also be a list, which indicates how many left over are expected. The body are executed and the value of last is returned as the result.

A typical command line parser looks like this. It typically:

  • set parameters
  • print messages
  • return file lists
  (define verbose-mode (make-parameter #f))
  (define profiling-on (make-parameter #f))
  (define optimize-level (make-parameter 0))
  (define link-flags (make-parameter null))

  (define file-to-compile
     #:program "compiler"
     [("-v" "--verbose") "Compile with verbose messages"
                         (verbose-mode #t)]
     [("-p" "--profile") "Compile with profiling"
                         (profiling-on #t)]
     [("-o" "--optimize-1") "Compile with optimization level 1"
                            (optimize-level 1)]
     [("--optimize-2") ("Compile with optimization level 2,"
                        "which includes all of level 1")
                       (optimize-level 2)]
     [("-l" "--link-flags") lf
                            "Add a flag"
                            (link-flags (cons lf (link-flags)))]
     #:args (filename) filename))

5.21 Trouble shooting

5.21.1 racket cannot find browsers

Browsers are declared in sendurl.rkt, with

  (define all-unix-browsers
      ;; ...

chromium is not in the list, thus

(require net/sendurl)
unix-browser-list ;; empty
(send-url "google.com") ;; error

The trick is to create a soft link for chromium named "google-chrome". Also, the default is using firefox … So I need to make sure firefox is uninstalled. Is there a better way to configure browser??

The racket-doc will use the local racket document to search, thus in order for it to work, install racket-doc package.

5.22 Logger

  (define lg (make-logger))
  (define rc (make-log-receiver lg 'debug))
  (current-logger lg)
    (lambda () (let loop ()
                 (print (sync rc))
  (log-error "error")
  (log-fatal "fatal")
  (log-debug "just a debug")
  (require racket/logging)
  (let ([my-log (open-output-string)])
    (with-logging-to-port my-log
      (lambda ()
        (log-warning "Warning World!")
        (+ 2 2))
    (get-output-string my-log))

5.23 Libraries

5.23.1 Drawing libraries

5.23.2 pict-lib Constructors
  • text
  • hline, vline
  • frame
  • ellipse, circle, filled-ellipse, disk
  • rectangle, filled-rectangle
  • rounded-rectangle
  • filled-rounded-rectangle
  • bitmap: read a bitmap image
  • arrow, arrowhead

Use pin to create lines connecting picts

  • pin-line, pin-arrow-line, pin-arrows-line: add lines onto a pict. It finds positions in the src and dst picts, and can set angle to create curve
  1. More constructors
    • cloud
    • file-icon
    • standard-fish
    • jack-o-lantern
    • angel-wing
    • desktop-machine
    • thermometer
    • face, face*

    Balloon annotation

    • wrap-balloon
    • pin-wrap-balloon
    • pin-balloon
    • balloon
    • filled-flash
    • outline-flash


    • typeset-code
    • code
    • define-code
    • code-align: align code with pict
    • codeblock-pict: a block of code, seems to respect #lang option inside the code string, to decide lexer

    code parameters

    • current-code-font
    • current-code-tt
    • current-code-line-sep
    • current-comment-color
    • current-keyword-color
    • current-id-color
    • current-literal-color
    • current-const-color
    • current-base-color
    • current-reader-forms: this should be able to define language
    • current-keyword-list
    • current-const-list
    • current-literal-list
    • code-colorize-enabled
    • code-italic-underscore-enabled
    • code-scripts-enabled Combiners
  • various of append
    • syntax: v and h, then alignment
    • vl, vc, vr, ht, htl, hc, hbl, hb
    • v and h for vertical and horizontal
    • t,b for top, bottom
    • l,c,r for left, center, right
  • superimpose
    • Syntax: horizontal alignment, vertical alignment
    • lt,ltl,lc,lbl,lb,ct,ctl,cc,cbl,cb,rt,rtl,rc,rbl,rb
    • l,c,r for left, center, and right
    • t,b for top and bottom
  • pin
    • pin-over
    • pin-under
  • table Adjusters
  • scale, scale-to-fit, scale/improve-new-text
  • rotate
  • ghost: does not draw (invisible), but use the size
  • cellophane: make is semi-transparent
  • clip, inset/clip
  • freeze: to bitmap

The followings can be used to specify parameters

  • linewidth
  • linestyle
  • colorize
  • black-and-white Bounding box
  • inset
  • clip-decent
  • lift-above-baseline
  • drop-below-ascent
  • baseless
  • refocus: focus on the top most sub-pict
  • panorama: enclose all sub-picts
  • use-last, use-last* Pict finder
  • with -find suffix
    • lt,ltl,lc,lbl,lb,ct,ctl,cc,cbl,cb,rt,rtl,rc,rbl,rb Tree layout

tree-layout creates a layout containing edges. The layout can be rendered to pict by

  • naive-layered (seems to be good)
  • binary-tidier
  • hv-alternating

5.23.3 graph

This is a generic graphic library. graph is defined through a generic interface gen:graph, supporting the following methods:

  • has-vertex?
  • has-edge?
  • vertex=?
  • add-vertex!
  • remove-vertex!
  • rename-vertex!
  • add-edge!
  • remove-edge!
  • get-vertices
  • in-vertices
  • get-neighbors
  • in-neighbors
  • get-edges
  • in-edges
  • edge-weight
  • transpose
  • graph-copy
  • graph-union!

This actually is mostly not functional.

To construct a graph, use directed-graph or undirected-graph with list of edges represented as list of vertex, with first being the source, rest being target. These functions seems only support single target.

The library let you define vertex and edge properties, just like those in boost library. You can do bfs or dfs, shortest path, graph coloring, maximum flow.

Finally, you can call graphviz to convert the graph to a string of dot format. It cannot output a pict.

5.23.4 2htdp/image

This is teachpack of How to design program version 2. It provides several basic images, rotation, scale, flip, overlay.

Other interesting packages in this pack:

  • 2htdp/planetcute contains many images Common Concepts

The length is measured in terms of pixels, angle means degree. When using names, both string and symbol are acceptable, and case-insensitive.

Mode can be 'solid or 'outline. The string format is also supported. Solid fills, outline only draws the outside line. A integer between 0 and 255 instead will indicate the transparency.

Color can be name or color structure. If the name is not recognized, no error is reported, and black is used. The complete list (plus transparent) is in the document of color-database<%>. This is an interface, defined in racket/draw.

The color structure is

(struct color (red green blue alpha))

In many places, the color also accepts a pen. pen is a structure. It seems only for drawing lines, so outline mode will support it. Its definition is

(struct pen (color width style cap join))
solid, dot, long-dash, short-dash, dot-dash
round, projecting, butt
round, bevel, miter

When doing alignment, you can use pinhole, only if all the images have a pinhole. You can add pinhole to image by

  • center-pinhole image
  • put-pinhole x y image
  • clear-pinhole

And retrieve pinhole by

  • pinhole-x
  • pinhole-y basic shape
  • shape
    • (circle radius mode color)
    • (ellipse width height mode color)
    • triangle
      • (triangle side-length mode color)
      • right-triangle
      • isosceles-triangle
      • triangle/sss
    • square x
    • rectangle x y
    • rhombus x θ
    • star
      • star x
      • star-polygon
      • radial-star
    • polygon
      • regular-polygon
      • polygon
      • add-polygon
      • scene+polygon
  • line
    • (line x y color): draw a line from (0,0) to (x,y).
    • (add-line image x1 y1 x2 y2 color): add line to image, from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
    • add-curve
    • add-solid-curve
  • text
    • (text string font-size color)
    • text/font: this will use a complete font specification, including
      • face: which font name
      • family: default, script, modern, etc
      • style: normal, italic
      • weight: normal, bold, light
      • underline?: #t #f Overlay
  • overlay accepts a sequence of images, with the first being on top. Images are aligned on their center.
  • overlay/align x-place y-place controls where to align the images.
    • x: left, right, middle, center, pinhole
    • y: top, bottom, middle, center, baseline, pinhole
  • overlay/offset i1 x y i2: moves i2 by (x,y) compared to (0,0), thus to down right
  • overlay/align/offset combines both options
  • overlay/xy: what's the difference from offset?
  • overlay/pinhole

There's also an underlay version that does the reverse order, for all above.

  • beside accepts images, and placing them in horizontal row, aligned on their centers
  • beside/align y
  • above: in a vertical row
  • above/align x scene

Typically you place images on a scene. If an image is placed (using those place functions) or add lines (using scene+XXX) on scene, it is cropped based on the size of scene. You can still compose the image by overlay or add-line, but those does not respect the size of scene.

  • empty-scene x y color
  • place-image image x y scene: the (x,y) is according to the top-left corner of scene
  • place-image/align image
  • place-images: just a list of images and a list of positions
  • place-images/align
  • scene+line: add a line to the scene
  • scene+curve transform
  • rotate angle image
  • scale factor image
  • scale/xy: using different factor for x and y
  • flip-horizontal image
  • flip-vertical image
  • crop x y width height image
  • crop/align
  • frame image: return an image with a black frame around the bounding box of the it. Even if the image might be a circle, the bounding box is still rectangle.
  • color-frame color image bitmap

You can load a bit map file by (bitmap filename), or (bitmap/url url) to download from web. For a vector image you created in racket, you can "freeze" it to bitmap by freeze image.

Finally, you can save image to file by

  • save-image image filename [width height]: png
  • save-svg-image image filename [width height]: svg properties
  • image-width
  • image-height
  • image-baseline

5.23.5 Networking HTML parsing

The package is html-parsing. It has only one function, html->xexp.

The xexp is a list like this:

(*TOP* (html (head (title) (title "whatever"))
  (body "\n"
    (a (@ (href "url")) "link"))))

The xexp needs to use sxml (needs install) package to parse. sxpath is a function for XPath like query. Use like this

((sxpath '(html body table tr td a @ (*or* href title)))

sxpath itself returns a function, apply that function on an xexp data, a list will be returned for matched results.

  1. the xexp must begin with *TOP*, the query result will not have it. So if you want to parse it again, construct it by `(*TOP* ,x)
  2. the xpath starts from root (html)
  3. you can use '(// table) to query tables at arbitrary level URL & HTTP

require the package net/url (needs install) and net/url-string. First, construct a url by string->url, then, open input port by get-pure-port, this is using GET method. The port can be used as input, e.g. port->string. How to download binary file, like pdf? It should be bytes streaming, so maybe

  • copy-port in out
  • port->bytes then write-bytes

The call/input-url URL connect handle will call handle on the port, and close the port on return. The connect is a procedure, e.g. get-pure-port.

6 Common Lisp

6.1 Emacs Support

6.1.1 lisp-mode

  • indent-sexp (C-M-q)
  • kill-sexp (C-M-k)
  • mark-sexp (C-M-@)
  • transpose-sexps (C-M-t): point must be between the two sexp. After transpose, point will be after the two sexps

6.1.2 lisp go-to-def

  • xref-find-definitions (M-.)
  • xref-pop-marker-stack (M-,)

These are supported via general progmodes

6.1.3 TODO eldoc

6.1.4 TODO slime-mode

This is minor mode. All the commands are prefixed with slime

Evaluation commands:

  • slime-eval-defun (C-M-x): Evaluate top-level from containing point.
  • slime-eval-last-expression (C-x C-e): Evaluate sexp before point.
  • slime-pprint-eval-last-expression (C-c C-p): Evaluate sexp before point, pretty-print result.

Documentation commands:

  • slime-describe-symbol (C-c C-d C-d): Describe symbol.
  • slime-autodoc-manually (C-c C-d C-a): Apropos search.
  • slime-disassemble-symbol (C-c M-d): Disassemble a function.

Finding definitions:

  • slime-edit-definition (M-.): Edit the definition of the function called at point.
  • slime-pop-find-definition-stack (M-,): Pop the definition stack to go back from a definition.

6.1.5 paredit

I'm going to use this instead of newer and seemingly fancier smartparens.

It is strict, tries to keep the balance. That means, if you put a ; in between a sexp, the closing parenthesis will be put to the next line. Delete does not work on a double quotes or parenthesis, but instead work your point into it.


  • paredit-kill (C-k): kill inside the sexp
  • paredit-backward-delete (DEL)
  • paredit-forward-kill-word (M-d)
  • paredit-backward-kill-word (M-DEL)


  • paredit-forward (C-M-f)
  • paredit-backward (C-M-b)
  • paredit-backward-up (C-M-u)
  • paredit-forward-down (C-M-d)
  • paredit-backward-down (C-M-p): not so useful
  • paredit-forward-up (C-M-n): not so useful


  • paredit-wrap-round (M-(): wrap parenthesis arount the sexp after point
  • paredit-splice-sexp (M-s): splice the current sexp the point in, into the outer sexp
  • paredit-splice-sexp-killing-backward (M-<up>):
    1. kill backward until the beginning of current sexp
    2. splice current sexp
  • paredit-splice-sexp-killing-forward (M-<down>)
  • paredit-raise-sexp (M-r): raise the sexp after point and replace the outer sexp
  • paredit-convolute-sexp (M-?):
    1. kill the sexp before point
    2. splice the sexp
    3. wrap the outer sexp prefixed with the killed sexp

slurp and barf

  • paredit-forward-slurp-sexp (C-)): add next into current sexp
  • paredit-backward-slurp-sexp (C-()
  • paredit-forward-barf-sexp (C-}): move the last in current sexp outside
  • paredit-backward-barf-sexp (C-{)

Split and join

  • paredit-split-sexp (M-S): split () or string
  • paredit-join-sexps (M-J): join

6.2 List

The function cons builds lists. If second argument is a list, it adds the first one onto the list. This is called "consing onto the list". cons returns a newly allocated cons. Thus allocating memory from the heap is sometimes generally known as consing. list can also be used to create a list. append connect several list to become one. A proper list is either nil, or a cons whose cdr is a proper list. This definition is recursive. Improper list is shown in dotted notation, and is called a dotted list. The predicate null is specifically test empty list.

A family of functions is used to access elements of the list. The car of a list is the first element, the cdr is everything after the first. Common lisp also provides caar, cdddr, all the combinations up to 4-level. List has some special function to handle. nth and nthcdr is used to access element. first, second, …, tenth can retrieve corresponding element. last, butlast, and rest are also intuitive. nbutlast is the destructive version of butlast.

There are also some functions to access list properties. list-length returns the length. endp is a predicate to check the end of a list

List can be used to represent different data structures.

  1. It can simulate a stack. push and pop are macros, and are defined using setf. pushnew is a variant of push that uses adjoin instead of cons.
  2. List can form a tree. When using cons, the pointers are constructed in the list, thus lists might share components. Sometimes you have to make a copy of a list to avoid chaning other lists.
    • There are two functions to make copies: copy-list and copy-tree. copy-list recursive calls on the cdr of the list, thus it is not deep copy. On the contrary, copy-tree recurs on both car and cdr, thus copy entire list. Similarly, tree-equal can be used to test the equality of the whole tree.
    • To modify the structure of a list, substitute replace elements in a sequence, it does not go into deeper tree. The function subst will replaces elements in tree, deeply. Such form that recursing down both car and cdr is said to be doubly recursive. subst-if and subst-if-not provides the conditional substitution. Their destructive versions are available for efficiency nsubst, nsubst-if, nsubst-if-not.
  3. List can also simulate a set. You can add an item to a set (a list) by adjoin. It will cons the item onto the list if it is not in the set. You can tell the member via member, member-if, member-if-not. Set operations include adjoin, union, intersection, set-difference, set-exclusive-or and their destructive counterparts nunion, nintersection, nset-difference, nset-exclusive-or. You can predict subset with subsetp and tail with tailp.
  4. Finally, Association Lists are maps. This is often called assoc-list or alist, representing mapping. It is only used for small maps, because it is not efficient. The alist is just list of cons cells whose car is key, cdr is value. Apart from build the list of cons cells, parilis can be used to create a alist from lists of keys and values. Add new key value pairs onto the alist with acons. Use assoc to retrieve the first cons cell with the key, and nil if not found. Use setf with assoc to set the value. The condition version of assoc are assoc-if and assoc-if-not. Lisp allows not only map from car to cdr, but also cdr to car with rassoc, rassoc-if, rassoc-if-not. Use copy-alist to copy the alist.
  5. The Property list (plist for short) is similar to alist, but structured differently. It is a flat list, with keys and values intersect each other. E.g. (A 1 B 2). It is less flexible than the alist, and you can only use getf with a key to get the value. getf and setf can be used together to set the value. Use remf to remove a key value pair from the plist. You can also retrieve multiple key-values by get-properties.
    • The special thing about plist is that, each symbol has a plist. It can be retrieved by symbol-plist, but this is rarely used because the whole plist is not often the focus. What you need is get that directly get the key of the plist of the symbol. In other words, (get 'symbol 'key) equals to (getf (symbol-plist 'symbol) 'key). remprop is a similar function to remf.

Mapping is very powerful. The most frequently used is mapcar. It takes a function and some lists. Each time, it takes one element from the lists out as arguments to the function, until some list runs out, and finally return the results in a list. maplist takes the same arguments and does the same thing, but everytime apply function on the cdrs of the lists. Other map functions include mapcan, mapcon, mapc, mapl.

One last trick, the destructuring-bind can be used to bind variables. It cna be used to bind into tree structures.

(destructuring-bind (x y z) (list 1 2 3))
(destructuring-bind (x y z) (list 1 (list 2 20) 3)) ; y = (2 20)
(destructuring-bind (x (y1 y2) z) (list 1 (list 2 20) 3)) ; y1=2

6.3 Sequence

Sequence contains both lists and vectors. To tell what kind of sequence it is, one can use consp, listp, bit-vector-p, vectorp, simple-vector-p, simple-bit-vector-p, arrayp. You can use length to get the length of a list.

Accessing the element of a sequence with elt. subseq get the subsequence in [begin,end) with index starting from 0.

In modifying a list, reverse and nreverse reverses the list. remove, remove-if, remove-if-not remove from a sequence while the destructive version named delete delete-if delete-if-not. remove-duplicates and delete-duplicates make sure no same element in the sequence. substitute, substitute-if, substitute-if-not replace within the sequence, does not go deeper. nsubstitute nsubstitute-if nsubstitute-if-not are destructive. There are sort and stable-sort, but they are destrictuve, so if in doubt, pass a copy. concatenate (reqiures type) is used for concatenate many sequences into one. merge (requires type) destructively merge two sequence. If both of them are sorted, the result is also sorted.

It is possible to search inside a sequence. find and position returns the element and index of the first match, respectively. Their predicate versions are find-if, find-if-not and position-if, position-if-not. count, count-if, count-if-not returns the count. One can also search a sequence in another.

map (requires return type) maps a function to a sequence. The map also needs a type as first argument. nil means no return, then map will return nil. map-into does not require a type, but the first argument is a sequence that will be destructed. Kind of a mapping, but every, notany and some, notevery are predicates to test on a sequence. reduce differs from map in that it always utilize the previous result in the next computation.

6.4 String

A string is a specialized vector (one-dimensional array) whose elements are characters. A character object can be notated by writing #\c where c is any standard character.

To access the characters, instead of aref, you can use char which is faster.

In comparision, while numeric value uses =, /= and <, characters have case sensitive (char=, char/=, char<) and insensitive versions (char-equal, char-not-equal, char-lessp). Strings also have case sensitive (string=, string/=, string<) and insensitive versions (string-equal, string-not-equal, string-lessp). This is actually a family of functions: string-greaterp, string-not-greaterp, string-not-lessp.

You can construct a string by make-string with size, or convert from another type to string via string. Trimming a string is handled by string-trim, string-left-trim, string-right-trim. Case conversion can be done by string-upcase, string-downcase, string-capitalize and their destructive versions nstring-upcase, nstring-downcase, nstring-capitalize.

6.5 Array

Array can be general array, holding arbitrary object types; it can also be a specialized array that hold a given type, which increase the efficiency. One dimentional arrays are called vectors. Vectors holding arbitrary objects are general vectors.

There are two kinds of array: fixed and resizable. An array can be created by make-array. Since vector is more often used, you can simply use vector to create a one-dimension array. When you make an array, you specify the size, making a fixed size array. For resizable, there're two ways. First, you can give a :fill-pointer when making the array. For example (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 0) makes an empty array of capacity 5. This array can be used in vector-push and vector-pop who operates on the :fill-pointer. However, this seems resizable, but the capacity is at most 5. The second way to make the real resizable array is to give :adjustable t option wehn making it. Instead of using vector-push, you use vector-push-extend to operate on it so that it can take care of the capacity. The arrays are all general array that can hold different data types, you can create an array suitable for one type by giving :element-type option.

aref is used to access the element of an array. To replace elements, we use setf with aref. For vector, you might want to use svref, where sv means "simple vector", to access elements faster.

Array holding type bit are called bit-vectors. Bit operations are supported via bit, sbit, bit-and, bit-ior, bit-xor, bit-eqv, bit-nand, bit-nor, bit-andc1, bit-andc2, bit-orc1, bit-orc2, bit-not

6.6 Structure

Macro (defstruct point x y) will also define make-point, point-p, copy-point, point-x, point-y. The read format is #S.

6.7 Hash Table

This is a map. make-hash-table creates a hash-table. The test predicate :test for keys can be one of eq eql equal equalp with eql as default.

gethash retrieve from the table. It returns multiple values, with first be the value of the key or nil if no such key. The second value present whether the key is present. Use setf together with gethash can set the hash.

To remove an object from hash table, use remhash. You can also clear the table by clrhash. To iterate through a hash table, use maphash.

6.8 Symbols & Variables

Lisp is case-insensitive. The program will be converted to upper case when stored in computer. Symbol names can be, in addition to letters and numbers, the following characters can also be considered to be alphabet: + - * / @ $ % ^ & _ = < > ~ . Conventionaly we write +global-constant+ and *global-variable*.

A symbol has a Property List. It can be retrieved by symbol-plist.

Global variable can be defined by defvar and defparameter. Naming convention is put * surrounds it. The difference (Prefer defvar):

  • defparameter will always assign the initial value
  • defvar will do so only if the variable is not defined; defvar can also be used without initial value, the variable will be unbound.

defconstant is used to declare constant. Use + surrounds it. It is possible to redefine the constant using defconstant again, but the behavior is undefined. E.g. the code refer to it might need to be reevaluated to see the update. So, do NOT redefine a constant, otherwise it is not a constant, use defparameter instead.

Local variables have lexical binding, global variables have dynamic binding. Under lexical scope, a symbol refers to the variable where the symbol appears. With dynamic scope, a variable is looked up where the function is called, not where it is defined. To cause a local variable to have dynamic scope, we declare it to be special ((declare (special x))).

Assigning a value to a binding is:

  1. change the binding only, do not change other hidden bindings for this symbol
  2. do not change the value object the binding refers to

The symbol is a reference of the object. Assigning to the symbol will create another reference to another object. But, if the object is mutable, then assign to the reference will change the object. Function parameters are reference. So if the object is mutable, then assigning to the parameter will change the referenced object.

The general assignment operator is setf (place value)+. When assigning a binding, it will call setq (but don't call setq directly!), and returns the newly assigned value. In the document, a SEFTable thing is suitable to be a setf place. Always use setf instead of setq. This is more general. This includes variables, array locations, list elements, hash table entries, structure fields, and object slots.

To make the code more concise, some "f-family" are invented.

(incf x)
(setf x (+ x 1))
(decf x)
(incf x 10)

here incf and decf modifies the argument, so they are called modify macros. Other modify macros:

  • push, pop, pushnew
  • rotatef, shiftf
    • (roratef a b) is equal to (let ((tmp a)) (setf a b b tmp) nil)
    • (shiftf a b 10) shifts all the values left, equals to (let ((tmp a)) (setf a b b 10) tmp)

There are two types of destructive functions:

  • for-side-effect: typically use setf
  • recycling operation

The recycling operations are typically those with n as prefix. 80 percent of the use cases are PUSH/NREVERSE and SETF/DELETE.

 (defun upto (max)
   (let ((result nil))
     (dotimes (i max)
       (push i result))
     (nreverse result)))
 (setf foo (delete nil foo))

sort is also destructive, so use it on a copy of the list. Be sure to assign it back to the variable.

 (defparameter *list* (list 4 3 2 1))
 (sort *list* #'<) ;; (1 2 3 4)
 *list* ;; (4)
 ;; so shoud use:
 (setf *list* (sort *list* #'<))

6.8.1 Equality

The reason Lisp has no pointer is that every value is conceptually a pointer. For efficiency, Lisp will sometime choose to use some intermediate representation instead of a pointer. E.g. a small integer takes no more space than a pointer, Lisp implementation might just use that. This will introduce difference when testing equility.

  • EQ tests for object identity. Two objects are EQ if they're identical (same object). It CANNOT compare numbers and characters, which gives undefined behavior.
  • EQL is similar to EQ except that it guarantees the same numeric or character value is equal. (eql 1 1) is t.
  • EQ is more efficient than EQL because it does not need to check whether it is numeric or character. But EQL has less trouble to understand .. so use EQL when possible.
  • EQUAL is looser than EQL. It consider objects to be the same as long as they prints the same.
  • EQUALP is even looser. For example, it consider two strings are equal case-insensitively. NEVER use this.

6.9 Type

Common Lisp is strong typed, but the type is associated with objects, not variables. This approach is called manifest typing. Though type declarations are completely optional, you might want to do this for efficiency.

nil is false, everything else is true nil is both an atom and a list. () is exactly the same as nil

In Common Lisp, the types form a hierarchy. An object always has more than one type. The type t is the super type of all types, so everything is of type t. For example, a number 13 is of type fixnum, integer, rational, real, number, atom, t.

Function typep ((typep obj type)) tests whether an object is of a type. (subtypep type1 type2) tests the type hierarchy.

Type conversion functions are those I found used most but hardly remember, documenting here.

  • parse-integer: string to integer

6.10 Numbers

Numbers can use read form, e.g. #b010101, #xaf08. Predicates such as numberp, integerp, rationalp, floatp, realp, complexp can test the type of an object. For numbers, zerop, plusp, minusp, oddp, evenp can tests the property.

Number comparison can be <, >, <=, >=, =. These are same as using the operator sequencially on the operands. /= works pairwise. max and min get the maximum and minimum one.

(1+ x) same as (+ x 1). incf and decf are destructive. gcd greatest common divisor, lcm least common multiple.

Scientific computations are supported. exp computes exponential with \(e\) while expt computes general exponential. log computes log to \(e\) if the second parameter is omitted. sqrt is a special case of expt with 1/2 as the power.

The function of type name is used to do convertion, including float, rational. Some types of number have two parts. For ratio, numerator and denominator get the two parts. Break number into two parts can be done by several pairs of functions: signum and abs (sign and value), mod and rem, realpart and imagpart for complex.

Rounding can be done with floor (toward negative infinity), ceiling (toward positive infinity), truncate (toward 0), and round (to nearest integer). Float version is also available: ffloor, fceiling, ftruncate, fround.

Logical operations are available as well. logior, logxor, logand, logeqv, lognand, lognor, logandc1, logandc2, logorc1, logorc2, lognot Besides, boole seems to be a more general function that accept many operations that cover all above.

random create random numbers.

6.11 Function

The predicate fboundp tells whether there's a function with a given symbol name. symbol-function can retrieve the function object with the symbol. The document of a globally defined function can be retrieved by calling documentation. The function's read format is called sharp-quote, the special form function takes a function name and return the function object. The function object can be obtained by #'.

6.11.1 Defun and Lambda Expression

defun is a macro.

     (defun name (a b
                  &optional op1
                    (op2 def-value)
                    (op3 def-value op3-supplied-p)
                  &rest rests
                  &key k1
                    (k2 def-value k2-supplied-p)
                    ((:kkkkk3 k3) def-value k3-supplied-p))

lambda expression shares the same structures.

      (a b &optional op1 &rest rests &key k1)

When calling a function, order of consumption matters. First required arguments are consumed, then the optional arguments, then the rest, finally the keyword arguments. Optional arguments can have default values (which defaults to nil), and a variable to indicate whether it is supplied. Keyword arguments are the same as optional arguments, except it must be supplied by keyword. It can be rebound to a simpler name to be used in the body. Finally, never mix (optional, key). You can mix rest and key, but the behavior is, after matching all required and optional, everything are bound to rest. Then appropriate ones are ALSO bound to keyword arguments.

The return value of function is typically the last expression. But you can explicit return from a function by using RETURN-FROM SYMBOL body special form. Symbol is the function name to return, and it is not evaluted. You must provide the function in order to return, which makes it not frequently used. If return multiple values, use values instead of a list; if return no values, use (values). multiple-value-bind can be used to decouple the values. You can pass on multiple values as arguments to a second function using multiple-value-call.

One can apply the object in two ways: funcall and apply. They differ in that funcall accepts the arguments, while in apply the arguments must be a list. The list can be looser, e.g. some arguments, as long as the last one is a list.

In eailier lisp, functions were represented internally as lists. The only way to tell a function from an ordinary list was to check if the first element was the symbol lambda. Common lisp represent function differently, so lambda is no longer necessary.

6.12 Macro

Macro is designed to abstract away common syntactic patterns.

macroexpand-1 can be used to check the expension in one level.

When designing macros, there are three kinds of leaks of implementation details that you need avoid.

  • multiple evaluation of parameters
    • You must evaluate each param once, because that is the intuition of user of the macro.
    • to fix it, evaluate it ones and bind to a variable
  • order of evaluating parameters
    • you need to make sure the order of evaluation of parameters is from left to right. Again this to follow the intuition of user.
  • variable scope
    • use GENSYM to create name to use. For example the code below, the name is generated at expanding time, and ,name is used whenever you want to use the variable.
  (defmacro mymac (param)
    (let ((name (gensym)))
      `(let ((,name ,param))

6.13 Evaluation

  • eval form: evaluate form in the current dynamic environment and a null lexical environment
  • evalhook
  • applyhook

The quote operator is a special operator, meaning that it has a distinct evaluation rule of its own: do nothing. (quote (+ 3 5)) is same as '(+ 3 5). It is a way of pretecting expressions from evaluation.

Integers and strings both evaluate to themselves. nil evaluates to itself as well. Empty list () is exactly nil, thus is also self-evaluated.

There are 25 special operators

  • block
  • catch
  • compiler-let
  • declare
  • eval-when
  • flet
  • function
  • go
  • if
  • labels
  • let
  • let*
  • macrolet
  • multiple-value-call
  • multiple-value-prog1
  • progn
  • progv
  • quote
  • return-from
  • setq
  • tagbody
  • the
  • throw
  • unwind-protect

When compile a file, it evaluates all top level forms in the file. If the top level is eval-when, things can be controled. eval-when accepts three different situations, namely :compile-toplevel, :load-toplevel, :execute. You can specify multiple of them, thus can make the top level evaluates at compile time, load time, or both.

There's probably only one eval-when is useful, that is use ALL of them:


should wrap things that need be available in the compilation environment as well as the target environment. E.g. a defined function that is used in defmacro.

6.14 Exception

A catch expression takes a tag, which can be any kind of object, followed by a body of expressions. A throw with the corresponding tag will cause catch to return immediately. If there's no pending catch with the right tag, the throw causes an error.

Calling error interrupt the execution, and transfer the control to the lisp error handler.

6.15 Control Structure

6.15.1 Sequential

  • progn
  • prog1
  • prog2

6.15.2 Conditional

(if condition then-form [else-form])
(progn forms*)
(when cond forms*)
(unless cond forms*)
(cond (test-1 form*) (test-2 form*))

cond corresponds to switch statement in C. The test predicates are evaluated one by one until one to t, then evaluate the body form, and return the last. To have a default, put a t as the last condition.

Lisp programmers often use the functions and and or to implement simple conditional evaluation. For example,

  ;; use
  (and x (setf y t))
  ;; instead of
  (when x
    (setf y t))
  ;; use
  (or x (setf y t))
  ;; instead of
  (unless x
    (setf y t))

6.15.3 Iteration

(dolist (var list-form) body-form*)
(dotimes (var count-form) body-form*)
(do (var-def*) (end-test-form result-form*) statements*)

dotimes from 0 to the value of count-form-1, inclusively In do, the var-def is (var init-form step-form). For example:

(do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((> i 4)) (print i)) Append to a list

Remember that append copies its arguments. Avoid using append inside a loop to add elements to the back of a list. Use the collect clause in loop, or push elements onto a list and then nreverse the list to return the original ordering.


(let ((result ()))
  (dolist (x list)
    (setf result (append result (list x))))


(let ((result ()))
  (dolist (x list)
    (push x result))
  (nreverse result))


  (loop for x in list collect x)

6.16 Loop Facility

Loop keywords are not true common lisp keywords. They are symbols recognized only by Loop Facility. If you do not use any loop keywords, the loop simply runs forever.

loop is a macro, and expansion produces an implicit block named nil, and it accepts three basic part in its tagbody:

  • loop prologue: execute before iteration begin
  • loop body: execute during each iteration
  • loop epilogue: execute after iteration termination

All variables are initialized in the loop prologue.

6.16.1 Loop Clauses

Inside the loop is the loop clauses.

Variable initialization and stepping

  • for
  • as
  • with
  • repeat

Value accumulation

  • collect
  • append
  • nconc
  • sum
  • count
  • minimize
  • maximize

Termination conditions

  • loop-finish
  • for
  • as
  • repeat
  • while
  • until
  • always
  • never
  • thereis

Unconditional execution

  • do
  • return

Conditional execution

  • if
  • when
  • unless
  • else
  • end


  • named
  • initially
  • finally

6.16.2 Loop Syntax

loop ::= (loop [named name] {variables}* {main}*)
variables ::= with | initial-final | for-as | repeat
main ::= unconditional | accumulation | conditional | termination | initial-final
initial-final ::= initially | finally
  • A loop must have at least one clause.
  • loop prologue
    • automatic variable initializations prescribed by variable clauses
    • initially
  • loop epilogue
    • finally
    • implicit return value from accumulation clause or an end-test clause

6.16.3 Iteration Control (for, as, repeat)

for and as are exctly the same.

Multiple these control can be used. They will occur sequentially: they will not nest.

for var
  [{from | downfrom | upfrom} expr1]
  [{to | downto | upto | below | above} expr2]
  [by expr3]
  • from: default to 0 when increment
  • by: the step, must be positive integer, default to 1
  • downfrom, upfrom, downto, upto: control the direction of increment or decrease.
  • below, above: similar to upto, downto, but do not include the target.
for var in expr1 [by step-fun]
  • it is meant to iterate the list. Bound to element in each iteration
  • At the end of each iteration, the step-fun is executed on the list to produce a successor list. default to cdr.
for var on expr1 [by step-fun]
  • same as in-by, but var is bound to the entire list each time
for var = expr1 [then expr2]
  • var is set to expr1 on first iteration
  • var is set to expr2 on second and subsequent iterations. If no expr2, expr1 is still used.
for var across vector
  • bind to each element. The only difference is now using vector instead of a list.
for var being
  {each | the}
  {hash-key | hash-keys | hash-value | hash-values}
  {in | of}
  [using ({hash-value | hash-key} other-var)]
  • it seems that each and the is the same. Just to make it easy to read:
    • use each for hash-key and hash-value
    • use the for hash-keys and hash-values
  • in and of are also the same
  • hash-key and hash-value controls whether to bind key or value to var
  • using will bind the other part, i.e. value if hash-key and key if hash-value, to another variable for access
for var being
  {each | the}
  {symbol | present-symbol | external-symbol | symbols | present-symbols | external-symbols}
  {in | of}

In package.

repeat expr

repeat the body (expr) times.

6.16.4 End Test Control (always, never, thereis, until, while)

always, never, thereis change the return value, so

  • it will skip finally clauses.
  • NEVER use it with collect, etc.

The clauses:

  • while expr
  • until expr: equal to while (not expr)
  • always expr: terminate if expr evaluates to nil. Return nil if so. Otherwise return t.
  • never expr: terminate if expr ever evalutes to non-nil. Return nil if so, otherwise return t
  • thereis expr: Same as never, but it return that expr.
  • loop-finish: terminate iteration and return any accumulated result

6.16.5 Value Accumulation

  • multiple accumulation can be used if they operate the same type, e.g. collect and append operate on list. The result will be combined, i.e. they operate on the same list.
  • If into is not provided, all the operations operate on a default hidden variable.
  • If into is provided, the variable is as-if initialized in with clause.
    • will not have a default value to return
    • the variables are visible in finally clause
  • Only one value can be returned, but you can return multiple objects using values.

Clauses: all of them have xxx expr [into var] format

  • collect expr [into var]
  • collecting expr [into var]: same as collect
  • append
  • appending
  • nconc
  • nconcing
  • count
  • counting
  • sum
  • summing
  • maximize
  • maximizing
  • minimize
  • minimizing

6.16.6 Variable Initialization (with)

with var [= expr] {and var [= expr]}*
  • if no =expr, it is initialized to appropriate default value
  • by default with initialize variable sequentially
  • using loop keyword and can make the initialization in parallel

6.16.7 Conditional Execution (if, when, unless)

They all have the same signature:

if expr clause {and clause}*
  [else clause {and clause}*]
  • if and when are exactly the same. unless is equal to if (not expr).
  • in the case of nest, the else is paired with the closest preceding when or if that has no associated else
  • loop keyword it can be used to refer to the value of the test expr. This is a keyword, thus cannot be used as a variable name in loop.
  • end marks the end of the clause. If not specified, the next loop keyword marks the end. This is useful in compound clauses.

6.16.8 Unconditional Execution (do, return)

  • do {expr}*: execute sequentially
  • doing {expr}*
  • return expr: equivalent to do {return expr}

6.16.9 Misc (named, initially, finally)

  • named: name a loop so that we can use return-from
  • initially, finally: expressions to be evaluated before and after loop body. There can be multiple these clauses, all of them will be collected into one place inside progn in the order they present.
  • return, always, never, thereis can bypass finally

6.16.10 Destructure

bind result to a list of variables. This can be used in for and with.

  • If variable list is shorter, the rest values are discarded
  • If value list is shorter, the rest variables initialize to default value

6.17 Input/Output

These input/output operations perform on streams. Streams are lisp objects representing sources and destinations of characters.

By default, input is read from the stream *standard-input*, output is written to *standard-output*. Conventionally the suffix -input and -output means the input and output stream respectively, while -io represents streams with bidirectional stream. Similar variables include *error-output*, *query-io*, *debug-io*, *terminal-io*, *trace-output*.

read is a complete lisp parser. When inputing a number, it parses and returns the number, instead of a string. read reads up to an expression. read-line read until a newline. read-from-string read an expression from a string. All of these are defined on the primitive read-char which reads a single character. peek-char read the character without removing it from the stream. You can also unread a char by unread-char. parse-integer is often used if you want to get the integer.

prin1 generates output for programs (with double quotes), while princ generates for human. terpri prints a newline. pprint prints with indention. format output the control-string except that a tilde introduces a directive. Most directives use one or more elements of arguments. If no more arguments, signal an error. But it is ok is more arguments are provided and unprocessed. If the destination is nil, a string is created as the output and get returned. Otherwise format returns nil.

A format directive is determined by one single character. It can take optional prefix. The prefix can be separated using : or @ or both. Parameters are separated by comma, and they can be ommited to take the default value. What kind of parameters are accepted is determined by the directive character. The most commonly used directive is ~A which is a place holder for a value printed by princ. ~% outputs a newline. ~F outputs a float number.

A pathname is a portable way to specifying a file. A pathname has 6 components: host, device, directory, name, type, and version.

Open a file as stream by open. It has some keyword arguments to modify its behavior. :direction keywords takes :input, :output or :io. :if-exists takes :supersede. We typically use setf to store the stream returned by open. The steam is closed by close. with-open-file is often more convenient, we don't need to remember to close.

In case you only have a string, it is convenient to use with-input-from-string and with-output-to-string.

6.18 Package

This is used to solve name conflict.

  • *package*
  • make-package
  • in-package
  • find-package
  • package-name
  • package-nicknames
  • rename-package
  • package-use-list
  • package-used-by-list
  • package-shadowing-symbols
  • list-all-packages
  • delete-package
  • intern
  • find-symbol
  • unintern
  • export
  • unexport
  • import
  • shadowing-import
  • shadow
  • use-package
  • unuse-package
  • defpackage
  • find-all-symbols
  • do-symbols
  • do-external-symbols
  • do-all-symbols
  • with-package-iterator

6.18.1 Modules

A module is a subsystem. It consists of one or more packages. It may be loaded from one or more files.

  • *modules*
  • provide
  • require

6.19 Common Lisp Object System

6.19.1 TODO Concept

6.19.2 Functions

  • add-method
  • call-method
  • call-next-method
  • change-class
  • class-name
  • class-of
  • compute-applicable-methods
  • defclass
  • defgeneric
  • define-method-combination
  • defmethod
  • documentation
  • ensure-generic-function
  • find-class
  • find-method
  • function-keywords
  • generic-flet
  • generic-function
  • generic-labels
  • initialize-instance
  • invalid-method-error
  • make-instance
  • make-instances-obsolete
  • method-combination-error
  • method-qualifiers
  • next-method-p
  • no-applicable-method
  • no-next-method
  • print-object
  • reinitialize-instance
  • remove-method
  • shared-initialize
  • slot-boundp
  • slot-exists-p
  • slot-makunbound
  • slot-missing
  • slot-unbound
  • slot-value
  • update-instance-for-different-class
  • update-instance-for-redefined-class
  • with-accessors
  • with-added-methods
  • with-slots

6.20 ASDF (Another System Definition Facility)

6.20.1 Load ASDF

ASDF should come along with lisp implementations.

  • (require "asdf")
  • (asdf:asdf-version) to check whether it is loaded, what's the version

Alternatively, you can load the specific file by (load "/path/to/asdf.lisp")

The default load path is

  • ~/common-lisp/
  • ~/.local/share/common-lisp/source/

However, quicklisp should already configured the load path.

6.20.2 Load System

  • (require "asdf")
  • put package somewhere so that ASDF can find it
    • ~/common-lisp/
    • ~/.local/share/common-lisp/source/
  • load by (asdf:load-system "my-system")

Some functions:

  • load-system
  • compile-system
  • test-system
  • make
  • require-system

6.20.3 Build System

  • (require "asdf")
  • put your code into a new directory called my-system/ inside the findable path:
    • ~/common-lisp/
    • ~/.local/share/common-lisp/source/
  • In the directory, create a new file my-system.asd and specify dependencies
  • load by (asdf:load-system "my-system")

The system is specified using defsystem syntax. An example (hello-lisp.asd):

  ;; Usual Lisp comments are allowed here
  (defsystem "hello-lisp"
      :description "hello-lisp: a sample Lisp system."
      :version "0.0.1"
      :author "Joe User <[email protected]>"
      :licence "Public Domain"
      :depends-on ("optima.ppcre" "command-line-arguments")
      :components ((:file "packages")
                   (:file "macros" :depends-on ("packages"))
                   (:file "hello" :depends-on ("macros"))))

6.21 Appendix

6.21.1 Installation quicklisp
 ;; sbcl --load /path/to/quicklisp.lisp
 (load "/path/to/quicklisp.lisp")

 ;; setting up
 (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp")
 ;; load quicklisp when you start lisp

 ;; install/remove a software
 (ql:quickload "clx-truetype")
 (ql:uninstall "clx-truetype")

 ;; query installed packages
 (ql:system-apropos "substring")

 ;; updating all packages
 ;; update quicklisp itself
(ql:quickload "name")
load a system
(ql:system-apropos "term")

A list of packages used:

for stumpwm ttf-font
for stumpwm screenshot packages
  • cl-quicklisp org babel

first, start M-x slime, then you can evaluate this:

   (princ message) Slime
  • slime (emacs IDE)
  • sbcl ("lisp" executer)
  • cl-quicklisp (package manager)

In emacs: start slime

 CL-USER> (load "/path/to/quicklisp.lisp")
 CL-USER> ;; follow screen command to install
 CL-USER> (load "~/quicklisp/setup.lisp") ;; load it

 CL-USER> (ql:add-to-init-file) ;; add to sbcl's init file

 CL-USER> (ql:quickload "clx-truetype") ;; download this package. Packages will be put into "~/quicklisp/xxx/dist"

 CL-USER> (ql:update-all-dists) ;; update
 CL-USER> (ql:update-client) ;; update quicklisp itself

The staff added into .sbclrc:

   ;;; The following lines added by ql:add-to-init-file:
   (let ((quicklisp-init (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp"
   (when (probe-file quicklisp-init)
   (load quicklisp-init)))
  1. Commands
    command description
    C-c C-d d slime-describe-symbol
    C-c C-d f slime-describe-function
    M-TAB slime-complete-symbol

    In a buffer of mode lisp, C-c C-c will evaluate the defun around cursor. C-c C-z will switch to the slime buffer.

6.21.2 Practical Common Lisp CD database
   ;; (HEBI: hello world, testing environment)
   (defun hello-world ()
     (format t "Hello, world!"))

   ;; this function makes the cd
   (defun make-cd (title artist rating ripped)
     ;; (HEBI: the list created is a property list. The :key is the key, and followed by the value)
     (list :title title :artist artist :rating rating :ripped ripped))

   ;; make a cd record
   (make-cd "Roses" "Kathy Mattea" 7 t)

   ;; (HEBI: the *xx* is the convention for a global variable)
   (defvar *db* nil)

   ;; (HEBI: The push will push the cd onto the global *db*)
   (defun add-record (cd) (push cd *db*))

   ;; add some records to the database
   (add-record (make-cd "Roses" "Kathy Mattea" 7 t))
   (add-record (make-cd "Fly" "Dixie Chicks" 8 t))
   (add-record (make-cd "Home" "Dixie Chicks" 9 t))

   (defun dump-db ()
     ;; (HEBI: dolist)
     (dolist (cd *db*)
       ;; (HEBI: format)
       ;; the first is the output stream, with t as standard output
       ;; The ~a directive is the aesthetic directive; it means to consume one argument and output it in a human-readable form
       ;; It will work for both keyword and value
       ;; ~t is for tabulating. ~10t means emit enough spaces to move to the tenth column
       ;; ~{ and ~} will make format: 1. require the next argument to be a list 2. consume the elements of the list for each ~a inside them
       ;; ~% emit a new line
       (format t "~{~a:~10t~a~%~}~%" cd)))

   ;; (HEBI: note: the above function can use format to iterate the whole *db* list)
   (defun dump-db-2 ()
     (format t "~{~{~a:~10t~a~%~}~%~}" *db*))

   (defun prompt-read (prompt)
     ;; the *query-io* is a global variable that contains the input stream connected to the terminal
     (format *query-io* "~a: " prompt)
     ;; (HEBI: flush)
     (force-output *query-io*)
     ;; read-line will read the string without the trailing newline
     (read-line *query-io*))

   (defun prompt-for-cd ()
      ;; read a string
      (prompt-read "Title")
      (prompt-read "Artist")
      ;; (HEBI: parse the string to int)
      ;; if nil, the parse-integer will emit error. :junk-allowed t will make it silent
      ;; the surrounding "or" will make a default value of 0 instead of nil
      (or (parse-integer (prompt-read "Rating") :junk-allowed t) 0)
      ;; (HEBI: y-or-n-p) is a builtin function. It is very robust, in the sense that it will reopen the prompt if answer is not yY or nN.
      (y-or-n-p "Ripped [y/n]: ")))

   (defun add-cds ()
     (loop (add-record (prompt-for-cd))
        ;; this loop will end if the another query is answered as n
        (if (not (y-or-n-p "Another? [y/n]: ")) (return))))

   (defun save-db (filename)
     ;; (HEBI: open the file and store the stream) as variable "out"
     ;; filename is the filename string
     ;; direction defaults to :input, so if want output, need to specify
     ;; if-exists, overwrite it
     (with-open-file (out filename
                          :direction :output
                          :if-exists :supersede)
       ;; this is used to ensures that certain variables that affect the behavior of print are set to their standard values.
       ;; be sure to use the same macro when reading the data back
         ;; (HEBI: directly print the *db* to the stream)
         ;; lisp will print the object out in the form that it can be read back
         (print *db* out))))

   ;; now you can save it
   (save-db "~/my-cds.db")

   ;; load the db back
   (defun load-db (filename)
     (with-open-file (in filename)
         ;; use read to (HEBI: read everything from the stream in)
         ;; use (HEBI: setf) to set result of the read to the *db* variable
         (setf *db* (read in)))))

   ;; query
   (defun select-by-artist (artist)
     ;; make a copy of *db* by removing if not the predicate, and return that copy
      ;; (HEBI: getf can get the value of a plist by the key)
      ;; #' is the quote for function
      #'(lambda (cd) (equal (getf cd :artist) artist))

   (defun select (selector-fn)
     (remove-if-not selector-fn *db*))

   (defun artist-selector (artist)
     #'(lambda (cd) (equal (getf cd :artist) artist)))

   ;; use this by:
   (select (artist-selector "Dixie Chicks"))

   ;; keyword argument, can be called by (func :key value)
   ;; default value using (var default)
   ;; (var default var-p) var-p is used to check whether the argument is supplied or not
   (defun where (&key title artist rating (ripped nil ripped-p))
     #'(lambda (cd)
          (if title    (equal (getf cd :title)  title)  t)
          (if artist   (equal (getf cd :artist) artist) t)
          (if rating   (equal (getf cd :rating) rating) t)
          (if ripped-p (equal (getf cd :ripped) ripped) t))))

   ;; use by:
   (select (where :rating 10 :ripped nil))

   (defun update (selector-fn &key title artist rating (ripped nil ripped-p))
     (setf *db*
           ;; (HEBI: mapcar) apply the function to each element of the list, and return the list of results
            #'(lambda (row)
                (when (funcall selector-fn row)
                  ;; this (setf (getf) xx) staff is magic. setf has nothing to do with getf
                  (if title    (setf (getf row :title) title))
                  (if artist   (setf (getf row :artist) artist))
                  (if rating   (setf (getf row :rating) rating))
                  (if ripped-p (setf (getf row :ripped) ripped)))
                row) *db*)))

   ;; this can be called:
   (update (where :artist "Dixie Chicks") :rating 11)

   (defun delete-rows (selector-fn)
     (setf *db* (remove-if selector-fn *db*)))

   ;; OK, refactoring time
   ;; Problems for where:
   ;; the if ... checking inside "and" is almosts the same, that's duplicate code
   ;; for the querys that do not have other fields, we don't want to check those fields, to avoid overhead

   ;; The solution is the MACRO, the code generator of lisp

   ;;; (HEBI: Macros, all kinds of quoting)
   (defun make-comparison-expr (field value)
     ;; ' will leave the expression unevaluated.
     ;; ` will do the same thing, and it can do one more: can evaluate part of it
     ;; , before a subexpression will evalute that
     `(equal (getf cd ,field) ,value))

   (defun make-comparisons-list (fields)
     (loop while fields
        ;; using loop facility, make comparison expr for all the fields
        ;; pop will pop the first of the list
        collecting (make-comparison-expr (pop fields) (pop fields))))

   ;; wrap comparison expr into and clause
   (defmacro where (&rest clauses)
     ;; ,@() will evaluate the subexpression, and splice the resulting list into the surrounding list
     `#'(lambda (cd) (and ,@(make-comparisons-list clauses))))

   ;; this can check what this macro expanded to
   (macroexpand-1 '(where :title "Give Us a Break" :ripped t))

   ;; Final test:
   (select (where :title "Give Us a Break" :ripped t)) Unit Test Framework
   ;; the design goal of a unit test framework:

   ;; - easy to add new test
   ;; - easy to run tests
   ;; - easy to track down test failures

   ;; (HEBI: report test name)
   (defmacro deftest (name parameters &body body)
     "Define a test function. Within a test function we can call
      other test functions or use 'check' to run individual test
     `(defun ,name ,parameters
        ;; (HEBI: hierarchy test name report)
       (let ((*test-name* (append *test-name* (list ',name))))

   (defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest names) &body body)
     ;; gensym generate a unique symbol name that the reader has never seen
     ;; the reason to use such unique name is to avoid leaking of information
     `(let ,(loop for n in names collect `(,n (gensym)))

   (defvar *test-name* nil)

   (defmacro combine-results (&body forms)
     "Combine the results (as booleans) of evaluating 'forms' in order."
     (with-gensyms (result)
       `(let ((,result t))
         ,@(loop for f in forms collect `(unless ,f (setf ,result nil)))

   ;; this will generate
   ;; (let ((result t))
   ;;   (unless (foo) (setf result nil))
   ;;   (unless (bar) (setf result nil))
   ;;   (unless (baz) (setf result nil))
   ;;   result)

   (defun report-result (result form)
     "Report the results of a single test case. Called by 'check'."
     (format t "~:[FAIL~;pass~] ... ~a: ~a~%" result *test-name* form)

   (defmacro check (&body forms)
     "Run each expression in 'forms' as a test case."
       ,@(loop for f in forms collect `(report-result ,f ',f))))

   ;; usage example:
   (deftest test-+ ()
       (= (+ 1 2) 3)
       (= (+ 1 2 3) 6)
       (= (+ -1 -3) -4)))

7 Guile

7.1 Module

A module is identified by a list of one or more symbols indicating the hierarchy, e.g. (ice-9 popen). When creating a module, you typically supplies what modules to depend on, and what symbols are exported as its public interface:

(define-module (ice-9 popen)
  #:use-module (ice-9 popen)
  #:use-module (ice-9 pclose)
  #:export (my list-of names))

When using a module, the use-modules accesses this public interface.

(use-modules (ice-9 popen))
(use-modules ((ice-9 popen)
              #:select ((open-pipe . pipe-open) close-pipe)
              #:renamer (symbol-prefix-proc 'unixy:)))
(use-modules ((ice-9 popen)
              #:select ((open-pipe . pipe-open) close-pipe)
              #:prefix unixy:))

Another way to access a module is through @ syntax:

(define unixy:pipe-open (@ (ice-9 popen) open-pipe))
(define unixy:close-pipe (@ (ice-9 popen) close-pipe))

The @@ syntax does the same thing, but is able to access private bindings.

Both method will try to find the module in %load-path, and if not loaded, will load it.

8 Reference
